It's that time of year again: New Year's resolutions. Past years have come and gone with little success in keeping resolutions created on the first day of the year. This year, try implementing some different resolutions that you're sure to keep. Here are eight resolutions that are easy to keep and that can greatly add to your overall well-being.
1. Walk more
Countless people join gyms and weight-loss programs with hopes of becoming "fit" by the end of the year. But what better way is there to get fit than by walking? Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. Instead of grabbing coffee and sitting in the cafe with a friend, grab coffee to go while walking and talking.
2. Sleep more
Try to build a nap into your routine sometime during the afternoon. Studies have shown that this actually boosts productivity. Also, try going to bed 5 minutes early a week. You'll notice a difference in no time.
3. Read more
4. Give more
More time, more money, more energy, more compassion, more love, more forgiveness, more grace. I could add to the list, but I think you get the picture.
5. Deepen your relationships
Making new friends is always nice, but so often we find ourselves in shallow relationships with people. Dig a little deeper and build friendships that withstand the tests of time, distance and life challenges.
6. Take chances
Get outside your comfort zone. Try something new. Be silly and weird. Smile at strangers. Think carpe diem.
7. Embrace change
8. Go above and beyond
No more mediocre. Pick a few areas to truly excel in this year. Dedicate your time and efforts to bettering those areas and perfecting your craft.
Happy New Year! Here's to a year of keeping resolutions!