Halloween has always been a favorite holiday for me. It's the time of the year to let out your inner child and creativity. For some people, it’s the costumes that are the best part of such an ancient tradition, for others it’s the food or the decorations. Making Halloween food in college is pretty easy, but what is even easier is making a modest Halloween costume at a super cheap price, too. By covering some of the most traditional costumes for a college student, it’ll be easy to show a humorous side of the costume instead of a revealing side.
Instead of talking about the traditional costumes that you can’t get away from every year, how about something different that’ll make the people around you smile? Now everyone gets a little wound up during the school year, especially around Halloween; for college students it means midterms. Instead of dressing as a revealing object, express yourself as a college student.
The best part about Halloween is all the creative ideas people come up with, whether it’s a couple costume, solo, or even group costume. Have a look at some of the ideas for an inexpensive costume perfect for a college student or anyone else. (Disclosure: most ideas are from Pinterest)
- Medusa: a simple costume that really just requires a white dress (bed sheet), some gold accessories, and some snakes in your hair.
- Greek Gods/Goddesses: You have an excuse to wear a blanket/sheet outside, take advantage.
- Skeletons: Instead of painting bones black clothes or buying a costume that’ll fall apart. Take a black shirt and a white and rip them apart (Look at the link for further instructions)
- Superheroes: You could wear an actual costume, or be lazy like me and wear a batman t-shirt with a cape.
- Dunkin Donuts: Unless you hate donuts and coffee, you’ll love this costume.
- Starbucks: Who doesn’t love a girl dressed as her favorite drink?
- Animal Crackers: One of the best group costumes I’ve ever seen!
- M&Ms: So simple but so fun, and the same can be done with Skittles
- Candy Bars: You are what you eat, right?
- Loofas: If you’re artistic, go for this one!
- Social Media: An awesome way to have a good sized group costume while still being unique.
- Ninja Turtles: Getting together with your best friends and kicking butt, what’s better?
- Disney Characters: Solo or group, this costume is still fun for everyone.
- Pixar Characters: Can’t have Disney without Pixar.
- TV Characters: Usually works better as a group costume, but still a great way to go.
- Animal Costume: Who doesn’t like a furry creature in the dark?