At some point in your life you will face rejection: whether it be from a job, a relationship or maybe the last seat at a concert you wanted desperately to see. Rejection sucks, but if you let it affect decisions you make in the future then you're sure to miss out on a lot!
One method I like to use for changing my attitude and perspective on life is to write a hypothetical thank you note to whomever rejected me. I made an example from a true life rejection, check it out:
Dear CR England trucking company,
I wanted to send you a little note to say thank you, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart for rejecting my application to be a long-haul truck driver. It honestly was nothing I ever wanted to do, and frankly I was dreading the whole process. I can imagine it now: driving across the country to sit in a stuffy little room for several weeks of training, only to find myself sitting for the next ten years in a lonely old truck. I only applied because my best friend wanted to get as far away from his ex-wife as possible, and would only take the job himself if I would go too. I just want the guy to be happy. The sad truth is I would have fallen asleep at the wheel, as riding in the car relaxes me, and would have torn up some median- spilling your precious goods all over the interstate for wild animals to consume; that being the most conservative scenario. So in a way, by rejecting my application, you saved my life.
So thank you again, and best of luck with your business!
Now go ahead and give it a try yourself! And remember, you are not defined by your "failures" or rejections. Be relentless and create the life you know you're dreaming of!