4. Any doctor/nurse character from a doctor show. | The Odyssey Online
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6 Easy Halloween Costumes To Do This October

6. Harley Quinn ("Suicide Squad")

Sebastiaan Stam

For some, Halloween can be the most wonderful time of the year, and YES before you say it, I know it's only September, but it's never a bad time to start planning for the spoopiest time of year! (Yes, spoopy) There's haunted houses, parties and trick-or-treating to think of! Costume shopping for parties and trick-or-treating can be tough, but here are some easy costumes that can be easy on the wallet and easy for you to do!

1. Mabel Pines ("Gravity Falls").


Mabel, twin sister of Dipper Pines from the Disney show "Gravity Falls" is an easy costume that you can make yourself or just buy the materials for. All you need is a brown wig (if your hair isn't brown already!), pink headband, pink sweater and a purple skirt. You can even buy her sweater online, or make the rainbow out of felt and sew it onto the sweater! The best thing about Mabel is that she has multiple looks, so if you want to be creative you can go with her other designs! If you have a brother or a good friend, they can dress up as Dipper Pines with you!

2. Velma ("Scooby Doo" series).


Velma is also another easy character. All you need is an orange turtleneck, black hipster-shaped glasses. a short red wig, black skirt and knee-high orange socks. These are all things you can find in your closet or at a local second-hand shop like "Goodwill". The rest of the Mystery Gang is pretty easy to have a costume for as well if you and your friends want to wear matching costumes! You'll be the grooviest people out there.

3. Tina Belcher ("Bob's Burgers").


Spiritually, we can all relate to TIna, so now you just gotta dress like Tina for this one. All you need is a blue shirt, blue skirt, gym tube socks, black hipster glasses, a black wig and a poppin' booty to dance like Tina on the dance floor! You and your family can also go as the famous family pretty easily.

4. Any doctor/nurse character from a doctor show. 


Doctor scrubs can be easily found at any second-hand shop, and can be used to be your favorite character on a show like "Grey's Anatomy", "Scrubs", "ER" and "The Good Doctor". Just put the finishing touches to make it recognizable to the character you're going with in this costume and it's all done!

5. Kim Possible ("Kim Possible").


This is one of the easiest costumes you can put together - cargo pants, red wig, black gloves and a black crop top or just a regular black shirt. Boom, done. Call me, beep me, when you're ready to go party.

6. Harley Quinn ("Suicide Squad").


Harley is an easy costume, just because of how popular she is, you can easily find her "Daddy's Little Monster" shirt anywhere. You just need this shirt, fishnets, face paint, some temporary hair dye or hair color spray and panties, or jean shorts if you feel more comfortable with that. Optional items are a brown bat that you can decorate to be like Harley's bat in the movie!

I'm sure there are thousands of different things you can do for Halloween, but here are 6 easy, recognizable ones. Have a haunting time, and be safe! Stay spooky!

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