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Health and Wellness

20 Easy At Home Workouts For When You’re Too Lazy To Get Out Of Your Sweats And Go To The Gym

If you are looking for a great exercise to do at home because you like to eat junk food, these are the exercises for you.

20 Easy At Home Workouts For When You’re Too Lazy To Get Out Of Your Sweats And Go To The Gym

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Let's face it, we all want abs but we don't want to put in the work. We want fast and easy results, but nothing about exercise is fast and easy. I am guilty too of buying into the videos online that promise abs in a week. But the one thing I learned from those videos is that the exercises are great to do at home. All you need is some cute leggings, music, and a yoga mat.

Here are 20 great exercises to do at home when you are too lazy to go to the gym:

1. Sit-ups


Yes, the dreaded sit-ups. It's the one exercise that every trainer makes seem easy, but once you start it is a struggle. It is the best for those looking for abs. It really works the core and eventually, if you keep going it will be easy to do.

2. Crunches


Crunches are not to be confused with sit-ups. They look similar, but with crunches, you are just moving your upper body. There are so many variations of crunches.

3. Flutter Kicks


Flutter kicks is a great exercise for the abs and glutes. It helps to tighten the lower abs while firming the glutes.

4. Planks


Plank is a fundamental yoga pose. Planking is not as easy as it looks. It is a hard but great exercise for the core. Cher said that she planks for 5 minutes a day and I can barely do 1 minute.

5. Jumping Jacks


Jumping jacks are back to basics. We learned how to do these in elementary school we just didn't know how beneficial they are to our core and quads.

6. Lunges


If you want great legs then lunges are the way to go. And they are an easy step to do around the house. You can do them while you are waiting for the clothes to dry.

7. Squats


Squats are a basic exercise that shows the fastest results. Squats help to tighten and firm the glutes. It's an exercise that every female should be doing.

8. High Knees


High knees is the perfect exercise to warm up the body. It can be a very tiring exercise (let's be most of us are the friend after 10 seconds), but it is a beneficial exercise to almost all workouts even yoga.

9. Side Planks (Hip Dips)


This is definitely one that I use a lot. It helps to keep the core engaged as well as the upper and lower body. It helps to engage the mid-abs.

10. Russian Twists

Giros rusos | Russian Twist


Sitting twists are the perfect exercise for the core. It's an easy exercise to do while you are binge-watching your favorite show on Netflix or Hulu. All you need to complete this exercise is a yoga mat.

11. Boat Pose

Half Boat Pose | Ardha Navasana


The boat pose is another yoga pose that is not as easy as it looks. It is a great exercise if you hold it for 30 seconds to 1 minute. The boat pose has a ton of variations. One popular variation is the high boat to low boat, it is one that I do often.

12. Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers | Illustrated Exercise Guide


Mountain climbers can be a fun exercise. It is a great exercise for working the core.

13. Plank Walks


Plank walks is an exercise that starts in standing forward fold then you walk your hands out to high plank and hold. It is an exercise that engages the whole body. All you need again is your yoga mat.

14. Plank Leg Lifts


This exercise tightens the core and firms the glutes. This exercise can be done with a straight leg up or bent if you want to use weights. It is a great exercise to help you get bikini ready.

15. Punches


Punches can be done the old fashion way with an actual punching bag or you can just use the set up without the punching bag. It is a great exercise to help tone the arms and the upper body.

16. Tricep Dips


Tricep dips can be modified with a chair. The chair is great support and makes it easier on your body. The tricep dips workout the arms and the backs as well as the legs.

17. Side Lunges


Side lunges are great for working the inner thighs. They help to strengthen the legs and work the joints in your knees. It can help prevent them from becoming stiff.

18. Shifting Downward Dog


This is one of my favorite variations of the downward dog pose. It helps to loosen up the body and the joints. It is also a great exercise on the legs.

19. Cat Cow


As you can tell I do a lot of yoga, but this pose is great for working out the upper body. Cat Cow works the core as well as the glutes and the upper body.

20. Burpees


The dreaded burpees. Burpees will have you on the struggle bus from hell. They are a whole body exercise. And boy, it works your whole body. From the legs to the core to the upper body. It will definitely have you bikini ready in no time.

If you are looking for a great exercise to get you ready for bikini season, these are the exercise. Or if you are looking for a great exercise to do at home because you like to eat junk food, these are the exercises for you. A lot of these exercises can be done while you are watching your favorite shows or housework.

If you need a great playlist to listen to while you exercise I have two you can use. I don't listen to a playlist, but I use a lot of the songs from this playlist when I am exercising. Or this playlist. It has a lot of motivational songs to workout to.

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