I addressed this letter not to just the Governor, because I know that it takes more than just one person to run a state, let alone anything really. I am writing to you about the lack of a state budget and more specifically the lack of a state budget for higher education. I am a junior at Eastern Illinois University and the last thing that should be on my mind is whether or not my place of higher education will be open in the fall. I think we could all agree that funding for higher education is important, and if not the most important, then it is high up there. So the questions everyone are asking are why can’t the state pass a budget and when will the state pass a budget?
Public universities in Illinois have been going this entire academic school year without a budget from the state. I cannot speak for the other public universities in Illinois, but Eastern Illinois University receives $40 million a year from the state of Illinois. Without those appropriations we have been having to make cuts where it is truly important. I have watched faculty members and staff members that are crucial to students’ success and experience be let go. I have watched a professor that left a large impact on me and influenced my decision to stick with my major leave the department that is already short staffed. We are struggling and when I say “we,” I am speaking for all public universities. We. Are. Struggling. Public universities depend on their appropriations from the state and without them, we can’t go far.
The scary thing is, we the students of Illinois just can’t find a reason why our Governor and state legislatures wouldn’t find a way to pass the budget. The entire state is feeling this, not just higher education. So it isn’t just the students of Illinois that are upset. It is quite frankly everyone. As the political games continue, we the citizens of Illinois are waiting. Waiting for someone to care. Waiting for someone to brush their pride under the table and get something done. Waiting for the leaders of Illinois to realize this is not a partisan issue.
In conclusion to this letter I would like to urge state legislatures and Gov. Rauner to work together and not think about the issue as just an issue because this “issue” is impacting all the lives in this state.
Thank you,
A student of higher education in the state of Illinois