My final year is fast approaching, and it has given me the opportunity to reflect on my freshman year. As I see new little pirates take their first steps on campus, I want to give them a little advice to become the most prepared freshman in their class.
Here are 13 things I wish I knew before I came to ECU.
1. Live in West End.
Even if College Hill means better rooms and being closer to the football games, you should definitely live in West End. West End allows you access to downtown and gives you an opportunity to meet a ton of people, whereas in College Hill, all of the athletes usually know each other, and it can be hard to make friends.
2. Save your Pirate Bucks for Sundays.
Sundays in the dining hall are the worst days of the entire week. The staff assumes everyone is at home, so the food selection is terrible.
3. Hide your lanyards.
No matter how cool the lanyards you get at orientation are, do NOT wear them around your neck on campus. It just screams FRESHMAN.
4. Be aware when you tour.
When you are touring campus, especially the Student Rec Center, please do us all a favor and remember that people are actually using the equipment, track, stairs, etc.
5. Orientation food is a show.
The dining hall food is amazing at orientation, but isn't that great after that. Don't be surprised when you move in.
6. Nothing is mandatory, but make sure to attend things.
Although some classes don't take attendance, dorm activities are optional and there is no one to force you to go to anything. Make sure you don't miss out on an opportunity to meet great people and learn new things.
7. Dress-down for class.
Gym wear is an acceptable outfit to throw on before class. Don't spend your money on endless new clothes to overdress for class.
8. Don't wear heels to class.
Okay, so you don't have to wear gym clothes to class, but if you choose not to please do not wear things that you would be seen in downtown. You will be stared at.
9. Pick your roommate wisely.
They don't have to be your best friend, but make sure you can actually live with them. There are barely enough dorms on campus to fit the freshman class, so switching dorms is extremely difficult to do.
10. Football Game Wear.
Most people wear nice purple and gold clothes to football games. Thinking about crazy tailgating and football games makes you think purple and gold t-shirts and face paint, but in reality very few people do that. Sundresses and cute outfits in our school colors are the norm.
11. ALE officers are like mall cops who can get you in serious trouble.
ALE patrols bars downtown like they are a part of the SWAT team and prey on freshmen. They are looking for underage drinkers and people with fake ID's, so be extremely careful. Although they can be pretty entertaining (40-something-year-old men in college bars) they can get you in serious trouble with real police, so make your choices wisely!
12. Don't lie to ECU police.
There is a difference between ALE officers and ECU police. More often than not, ECU police try to keep you safe and are pretty understanding (from my experience with them.) If you're caught drinking by ALE, you get a ticket, but if ECU police catches you, and you're honest with them, they will only make you pour it out. The choice is yours.
13. Don't be scared.
Leaving home can be intimidating, but there are literally thousands of freshmen feeling the same exact way. Talk it out—it could give you an opportunity to make some great friends.