As children, we all couldn’t wait to grow up and be just like our parents. We were excited to get married, have fancy cars and lavish houses, and daydreamed about what our futures might look like. We all may have even wondered how our parents did it all – I know I did. What we didn’t know is all of the hard work that went behind everything that you owned, courtesy of your parents. Here’s why it’s easier to appreciate your parents now that you’re an adult.
1. You Still Don’t Have a House of Your Own
When I was younger; I pictured myself having bought my first house in my early 20’s. Now that I’m 23 years old and still don’t own a house, I not only question my independence as an individual, but I can appreciate the hard work and dedication from my parents that went into making sure they provided for their children.
2. You Still Ask Your Parents for Help with the Little Things
At my age, I still find myself asking my mom, “How long do I put this in the microwave for?” or asking her to make my appointments. I still find myself asking my dad for help with financials and his car knowledge. It’s the little things I appreciate about my parents that I wouldn’t have taken notice to while growing up.
3. You Still Wonder How They Manage Everything
I think it’s safe to say our parents are the real superheroes of the world. As an adult, I watch my parents in awe as they manage every aspect of their lives flawlessly while I’m still struggling to get mine together. I only hope that one day, I can be half the person that my parents are.
4. You Didn’t Realize How Much Your Parents Had to Give up, Until Now
Some parents may have had to give up a post-secondary education, or enter a career they didn’t like just to pay the bills. For others, it could have meant driving a less reliable vehicle, just so your safety could come first. This could be your parent working more hours just to provide you with your tuition or tires for your vehicle. At some point, your parents probably had to give up something so that you could have better and this is something that I didn’t realize until I entered adulthood myself, and it’s the moment I realized how selfless parents really are.
5. You Didn’t Realize How High Maintenance You Were Growing Up
From the time we are young, our parents are stuck with the task of not only raising us and providing us with the minimum necessities to live, but they also get stuck with providing us transportation and funds for leisure or extracurricular activities. Until we become the ripe age of sixteen, our parents were responsible for pretty much being our personal adult chauffeurs. Until our first job, our parents were stuck paying for any sports or activities we would take part in and provide us with spending money when we would decide to go to the mall with our friends.
6. You Realize They’re Your Biggest Support System
I don’t know anyone who is more supportive of my career and future endeavors as much as my parents are. No matter how far my career takes me, my parents are the first to encourage me to apply and to never stop bettering myself.
7. You’re realizing they’re the best people you know
Don’t get me wrong, I always knew how great my parents were, but as an adult, you learn to appreciate them for more than the people they are, but for the things they’ve done for you too. This realization comes from personal struggles as an adult and doing it without kids, and then wondering how your parents managed it all with kids. Our parents are fascinating and wonderful people and you start to realize, there’s no better role models than your parents. Sure, Wayne Gretzky, Peyton Manning, and Audrey Hepburn are all great; but there’s no role model quite like your parents.