I believe there are two kinds of people in this world; earth-shakers and caretakers. I define Earth-shaker as someone with big dreams. Someone who has goals to change the world and feels a strong desire to carve their name into history. Earth-shakers are the inventors and the entrepreneurs and the scientists of the world. The people who work towards a goal beyond the average and they have a hunger for bigger and better. These are the people who hold the keys to the future in their hands. We need these people to shape the future of our society. They make changes, big and small, to our daily lives. However, Earth-shakers can have a negative effect on the world just as much as they can have a positive one if they are not taken care of.
This is where the Caretakers come in. The Caretakers are those who strive to make those around them happy. Their goals often align with bettering today rather than focusing on tomorrow. Caretakers are the doctors, the teachers, the parents of the world. Caretakers, as their title suggests, take care of the people around them. Caretakers are benevolent forces that strive to create happiness and maintain wellbeing for all. Unfortunately, the Caretakers can often be underappreciated.
We live in a society that highly values Earth-shakers and tends to make Caretakers seem less important however the Caretakers are just as important as the Earth-shakers. An Earth-shaker cannot reach his/her full potential unless they are paired with a Caretaker. It is nature’s great balance for life. Caretakers make sure the Earth-shaker stays focused on his/her task, without getting so consumed by it that they forget to see the bigger picture. And the Earth-shaker ensures the Caretaker does not forget to think about themselves occasionally and to not give up on their individual dreams.
The Earth-shaker is a dedicated soldier who willingly gives his time and his life to protect his country, and the Caretaker is the loving wife who makes sure he has a life to come home to and ensures that when he is home, he is loved and relaxed and well fed.
The Earth-shaker is the artist who spends day and night in her studio, perfecting every last detail of her masterpiece that will incite emotion in those who see it and hopefully show them a different world they might not have seen themselves. The Caretaker is the supportive husband who reminds her when it is getting late and brings her food when she gets too caught up and works through lunch.
The world needs both the Caretakers and the Earth-shakers in this world and I think it is time to accept being a Caretaker is the wonderful title it is. The world needs more people who take care of others just as much as it needs those who are out to change it. It is not a bad thing to have goals that are closer to home than changing the world. Not everyone needs to change the world, some people need to be there to take care of the world and ensure the changes are for the greater good. It is not a bad thing to be a Caretaker. I am proud to be one and I am proud to take care of the Earth-shakers of the world.