Still Mourning The Loss Of EA Sports: NCAA Football Series | The Odyssey Online
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Still Mourning The Loss Of EA Sports: NCAA Football Series

Still Mourning The Loss Of EA Sports: NCAA Football Series
USA Today

The EA Sports NCAA Football series is one of the most popular sporting games to ever hit the market. However, we just mourned the two-year loss of the game, due to a law suit filed by Ed O'Bannon and company over player likeness in the game. I think I speak for the vast majority of people who have played the game when I say that Ed is not one of our favorite people. The guy played basketball for UCLA, not football. Which makes it that much more frustrating that he filed a law suit against EA Sports to get collegiate video games banned without the compensation of college athletes. This lawsuit, however, only affected college football because that is the only college sports video game that was still in circulation (men's basketball stopped in 2010, baseball stopped in 2007).

In the lawsuit, it's nearly impossible for EA Sports to replicate the game due to copyrights and player rights, that have to be released with the school's permission. EA would have to go to schools individually to acquire player rights and school logo rights, as well as traditions, etc., which the vast majority of major programs have declined to release. They are also unable to reproduce NCAA Football 14 on the Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

So, Mr. O'Bannon, I'd like to thank you for ruining the best sports game ever created. You are the only college athlete I have ever seen who did not enjoy playing as himself on a video game. None of the other athletes got upset they weren't compensated. Not even Johnny Football, who flashed the money signs when he scored touchdowns, said anything about it. It's not fair to college athletes, now that don't get to play. It's not fair to anybody who played the franchise. There's nothing like coming home from a stressful day at work and absolutely thrashing your rival to relieve some stress. It's absolutely ridiculous that you won the suit.

I understand that the "likeness" includes their attributes and style of play, but the players don't even resemble themselves in the games at all. In my very biased opinion, I don't feel as if O'Bannon had a leg to stand on. But, I'm neither a lawyer nor a judge. All I can do is hope that, one day, they make the game again.

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