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6 Of The Best Dystopian Novels to Read This Summer

These are go-to books when lying by the pool or beach.

6 Of The Best Dystopian Novels to Read This Summer
Krizia Ketchum

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Dystopian novels is a specific genre within writing that focuses on fictional societies. It will mainly focus on futuristic worlds and the political corruption within them. Dystopian novels show major flaws within government and our thinking as human beings. These types of novels became famous after 1948 when "1984" by George Orwell and in 1932 when "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley was written.

Since then many amazing dystopian novels have been written. This is personally my favorite book genre and makes for the best go-to books when lying by the pool or on the beach. So, if you are looking for books to read this summer, make sure to check these out. Here are 6 of the best modern dystopian novels of our time.

1. "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins

Scholastic Media Room

For those of you that have not read "The Hunger Games" series, it is definitely one to look into. I personally loved the first book, the way they described the struggles that each of the characters goes through is incredible. On top of that, you can always watch the movies after reading the books, since books are usually better than the movies.


"The Hunger Games" takes place in post-Apocalyptic North America which consist of 12 different districts. Every year the country televises "The Hunger Games," which gathers two people, female and male, from each district to go into a rink and fight to the death, until there is only one person left alive. Katniss, a 16-year-old girl from district 12, her younger sister gets chosen to compete, Katniss volunteers to take her place in order for her sister not to die. The Hunger Games shows Katniss's journey into the rink, watching her struggle for her survival.

2. "Divergent" by Veronica Roth


"Divergent" is one of the best books of all time. The characters are all very relatable and inspiring. Watching how the characters grow and are able to discover who they are is very interesting and different from many other books. I definitely recommend this book.


"Divergent" takes place in a futuristic Chicago, which society consists of 5 factions. Each faction dedicates themselves to certain parts of the society. Every year, 16-year-olds are able to select which faction they want to be a part of. When entering a faction, you must complete the initiation process, which lets you decide if you want to stay within the faction or you become factionless. Triss, a 16-year-old chooses a faction that surprises everyone she knows, including her family. The faction she chooses has one of the hardest initiation processes but will show her who she truly is when she is done.

3. "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld


I read this book last summer at the beach and it was a great read. Watching Tally discover what the government is really made of is amazing. Growing up she praised the government and could not wait for her future. When she realizes how corrupt the government is, she changes her views on her future. This book really is a metaphor for how children develop from being very innocent to discovering what the world really has in store for us.


In "Uglies", when you turn 16, you undergo a surgery to make you look beautiful. Every child dreams of the day that they will soon get the surgery and be pretty. Tally, does just that until she meets her friend, Shay. Shay does not wish to get the surgery and Tally does not understand why. Shay soon runs away and Tally discovers a dark secret about the surgery that will change her life.

4. "Matched" by Ally Condie


This was the book that got me into reading. As a child, I used to hate reading, until I saw my friend reading this book and decided to give it a try. I was obsessed with the series and had finally found my passion to read because of this book. This book also introduced me to the world of dystopian novels.


"Matched" takes place in a society where the people in charge decide where you work, who you love, and when you die. Cassia respects the society, because of their decisions she is allowed to have a long life. When the officials tried to match her, the system glitched and she was matched with two different people. She now needs to decide between these two people, one of which is her best friends.

5. "The Selection" by Kiera Cass


I had bought this book, shortly after reading Matched, when I saw it at the bookstore. I put it on my shelf and did not read it for years. The book cover seemed very girly and not for me. Seven years later I was looking for a book to read and noticed it sitting on my bookshelf and decided to give it a read. Once I started reading it, I wish I had read it years earlier. It was an amazing book, the way the author builds the characters and makes the reader connect with the characters is amazing. It is by far my favorite book and I do not think it gets the recognition it deserves. This is a must read!


The selection is a chance to get out of your poor life in the lower caste. When the prince reaches a certain age, the selection happens. Thirty-five girls are selected to live in the castle until the prince picks the one for him. America Singer despises the idea of living in royalty and would rather stay with her secret love. Her mother thinks otherwise and convinces America to apply for the selection because of the benefits it will have for her family if she is chosen. When America meets the prince, she is skeptical of him and his intentions. She then discovers what she wants is not what she might have expected.

6. "Under The Never Sky" by Veronica Rossi


This book was a rollercoaster ride. You can see how Aria was confined by herself and Reverie and how she was able to find the courage to go against Reverie and discover what is outside the walls. I read this book two years ago and I enjoyed how suspenseful it was.


Aria has lived in Reverie she was not allowed to leave and not sure of what lies beyond. Her mother goes missing and Aria needs to look for her. She needs to look for her mother but does not think she can survive outside of Reverie. Until she finds Perry, an outsider and together they both search for their own answers.

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