There's a lot of awareness about ADHD and Dyslexia, but Dyscalculia doesn't seem to be too popular. Dyscalculia and Dyslexia sound very similar but very different. Dyslexia is a type of brain disorder that has to do with the inability to understand math and numbers. This means that the simple count by 5's, 10's, 20's, and so on can be impossible for some of us. Or those math problems we all had in middle or high school, those were impossible to complete because we just couldn't understand all of the numerical information. Or even telling time can be almost impossible as well. Not because we don't care enough to take the time to look at a circular clock but because we don't know how to understand the numbers that way. I bet some of you reading about this had no idea this was even in the category of learning disorders and it's not even rare, it just isn't as popular as the rest. However, I assure you it is still hell to deal with.
Dyslexia can be either caused by genes and hereditary, brain development, the environment you were born in, or brain injuries. Dyslexia isn't too widely known around the world since such a small percentage are diagnosed with it. However, I do wish people heard and knew about it more and tried to understand. Most math teachers don't seem to understand what having a math disorder is and how to work with students dealing with it.
Can you grow out of having this disorder? No, you can't exactly grow out of having a disorder you're diagnosed with. But you can learn to manage and keep trying to read a clock or count and make the change. I certainly have not grown out of having Dyscalculia and I know that because I was put on the register the other night and I started to panic when I saw the change come out of a women's wallet. I literally felt like crap because I spent like 10 minutes trying to count and make the correct change. Most would say "it's not a big deal" but honestly it is when you have Dyscalculia and no one has really heard of it before.
I sure hope this helps you understand and growing a deeper meaning to what Dyscalculia is. This is a real and actual disorder and should be known more around the world. It's just as important as Dyslexia and any other learning disorder out there. If you need or would like any more information of what Dyscalculia is or the symptoms please check out