Trust me, if you look at any friend group, you'll find all of these people.
1. Friend who instigates
There is always that one guy who feels the need to poke the angry bear. He’ll rile up any one of his other friends to get a reaction or a fight going within the group.
2. The lazy one
In other words, the sloth. There’s one guy who doesn’t seem to move from the couch. He’s there when you wake up in the morning, when you get back from class, and when you get back at night. You always wonder how a person can function in such a way, but they never fail to amaze you with their lax methods.
3. Overly emotional friend
Then there is the kid who always seems to be PMSing. Everything rubs him the wrong way and he’s always the one to vote for the chick flick movie for a good cry.
4. Total goofball
There’s the kid who is never serious. He’s the class clown and the breath of fresh air on a gloomy day. He’s always goofing around and knows just how to cheer you up.
5. The really nice kid
There’s the kid who doesn’t have a mean bone in their body. They always mean well and try to see the best in people. They never want anyone to be upset with them and act as the glue of the friend group trying to keep the peace.
6. The hardo
There is the kid who is a hardo in every way. They are a hardo in the gym, they are a hardo when it comes to school work and even a hardo when it comes to cleanliness.
7. The mooch
There’s the one friend that just loves to mooch off of everyone. They’ll eat your food, wear your clothes and basically just take everything you have.
8.) The ladies man
There’s always that one guy who just knows how to schmooze a lady. They are always surrounded by girls, they just know how to talk the talk.
1. The Mom
Every group needs a mom. It’s that one friend that takes it into her own hands to take care of everyone. They are always making sure you have your sh*t together and that you are making the right decisions.
2. The productive one
There’s always that one girl who seems to always be put together. She wakes up early and goes to sleep at a reasonable time, wasting no time in between. She gets what she needs to do, done.
3. The weirdo that takes everything a step too far
You know who I’m talking about. They mean well, yet they always seem to kill the jokes or even take things too far.
4. The advice giver
You always have that one friend whom you always go to for advice. They seem to just know everything about everything and will never steer you wrong. One might call them the voice of reason.
5. The sassy one
There’s that one friend who you know is your go to gal in a fight. She’s really feisty but this works in your favor. She’ll always be blunt with you and her sassiness provides humor for you when directed elsewhere.
6. The crazy drunk
There’s always that one friend who is the first one to the party/bar and the last one out. You’re always taking hilarious videos of them and carrying them home but you still love them.
7. The ditzy one
As much as you love them, they’re just lacking some common sense. They make comments sometimes that make you stop and question whether they have a brain.
8. The mooch
Same as the boy mooch, there’s the one friend that just loves to mooch off of everyone.