Remember the days when your mother used to tell you not to dye your hair?. Yeah, I totally remember those days. They would say, “don’t dye your hair because it will destroy your hair.” Yeah, they are absolutely right. But who cares, right?
I have always wanted to dye my hair for the LONGEST time. Don't let this picture fool you. It may have made my hair looked good, but it did not last long. Thank goodness I took a picture.
So here is how it all started. I bought dye from Duane Reade and it was like $10. I know, I know, it was sooo expensive. But really, when you are a college student, you have to find alternatives. Reality sucks.
When I bought the dye, I went back to my dorm and made my friend Sarah help me. She was too scared to mess up. So, as I am panicking, I am dying my hair as well. At least we went on Youtube and it sort of helped. I was lucky that it did not turn out too badly. But, after a couple of days my hair was not looking so good. It was sort of turning orange because I did not treat it right. Apparently, you’re supposed to buy a certain shampoo. Don’t ask me what it is because I do not know.
Oh, did I tell you? My mom did not know I dyed my hair. Yeah…..