If you have ever had the joy of experiencing a drink from the chain of coffee drive-thrus known as Dutch Bros, you might just know why so many people are "going Dutch." If you are a long-time addict like myself, you will relate to these experiences.
1. When someone calls it "Dutch Brothers."
Oh, sweetie, you're new to this aren't you? It's "Dutch Bros." Don't call yourself an addict just yet.
2. When the "Bro-ista" gives you extra stamps on your card.
"Oh my gosh! That means I'm only five stamps away from a free drink instead of seven stamps away!" Cue the fangirl squeals.
3. When you finally get that free drink, so you consume a 32 oz. infused Rebel.
"WhaddayoumeanI'mtalkingfast? I'mnottalkingthatfast." Entire sentences blend into single words blurted out without taking a breath and suddenly you can see the way that flower smells and how did you not notice that flower before anyway?
4. When you take an extended stay to a town with no Dutch Bros.
You mean I have to go an entire weekend with no Dutch Bros?
5. When your paycheck comes in and you budget for your 17 million Dutch runs before the next payday.
Over half my paycheck went into coffee? No regrets whatsoever.
6. Feeling no shame in making two Dutch runs in a single day.
Oh hello there, Dutch employee, why yes, that was me earlier. Nice to see you again. Thank you for providing me with the nectar of the gods.
7. When you don't get to have a Dutch Bros. drink that day.
Who me? I'm not sleeping in class....
8. When you drive past a Dutch Bros. and don't get to stop.
No! We need to stop. We can't keep driving.
9. When your friend suggests a Dutch run.
Every single Dutch run is legen-wait for it-dary!
10. When one of your friends suggests that you go to Starbucks instead.
This addiction might be totally basic, but I'm not THAT basic. Dutch Bros. will always be my go-to.
11. Considering Dutch Bros. an acceptable form of payment.
"Can I buy you a Dutch and call it even?" "DUH."
12. When you finally get a taste of that delicious nectar of the gods.
This is just a small slice of heaven in a cup.
So, next time you're near a Dutch Bros. stop in and enjoy some of that amazing, highly caffeinated beverage.