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Once upon a time, slightly less than a year ago, two college theatre majors went back to their dorm room after an exhausting Saturday morning rehearsal. They talked and they laughed and they dreamed the afternoon away. Then, they had an idea. They wanted to create a Literary-Inspired Webseries.
Literary Inspired Web Series
What is a Literary-Inspired Webseries? you ask. A LIW is a modern adaptation of a classic story usually told by a series of short videos. Most webseries also employ the use of transmedia, which is the technique of using multiple platforms, usually social media, to enhance the telling of a story, or to tell pieces of the story that could not be included in the videos. Transmedia accounts, most commonly Twitter, also make the characters more real because they exist on the same platform as the series' viewers. The main goal of all LIWs is to tell a beloved, classical story in a method that allows everyone to hear and enjoy it. In other words, LIWs dust off shelves, allowing old, forgotten books to be remembered in a relatable way.
The Attic Series
Do you remember those two college girls I mentioned earlier? Well, they just happen to be two of my best friends. As soon as they officially decided they wanted to create a webseries, they called me screaming, begging me to come to their dorm room. Naturally, I ran, bringing an additional theatre brain with me. The four of us picked our brains apart for the next 36 hours with a 2 liter of Sprite and a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, bouncing ideas around the room like we were 6 year olds at SkyZone. And thus: The Attic Series was born.
"Welcome to my metaphorical attic,everyone. Let the inspiration ensue."
The fifth member of our team was unable to attend that first night, but soon, we were all conducting weekly meetings to brainstorm, create timelines, and write scripts. Like every other mind child I had ever had, I thought this was just a dream that we would all get obnoxiously excited about and then forget, leaving it to rot in the desolate edges of our minds. I was wrong. This team of girls -passionate, creative and obsessive as we are - wouldn't let this project fall apart. Step by step, it happened. And I am so immensely proud of it already.