Alrighty, so with the new update on Snapchat I figured it was time that everyone know what the emoji's actually mean. So here's a simple breakdown:
Yellow Heart: You and the person you are Snapchattin are best friends with each other. Y'all send each other the most Snaps.
Red Heart: You and the person you are Snapchatting have been each other's #1 BFF's for at least two weeks straight.
Pink Hearts: You and the person you've been Snapchatting, have been each other's #1 BFF's for at least two months straight.
Smile With The Sunglasses: One of your best friends is one of their best friends. You and the person you've been Snapchatting send a lot of Snaps to the same person.
Grimacing Face: You and the person you're Snapchatting share the same #1 BFF. Aka, y'all send the most Snaps to the same person.
Smirking Face: You are their best friend but they aren't yours. The person you've been Snapchatting sends you way more Snaps than you send them.
Smiling Face: You and the person you've been Snapchatting is just another BFF. You send this person a lot of Snaps, but not enough to make them #1 BFF.
Fire: You and the person you've been Snapchatting are on a Snapstreak. Y'all have Snapped each other every day, and the number increases with each passing day.
Hundred: You and the person you've been Snapchatting have a 100 Day Snapstreak. This means y'all have been Snapping each other back and forth for one hundred days in a row.
Hourglass: You and the person you've been Snapchatting are close to losing your Snapstreak. Aka, you better Snapchat them back within the next 24 hours or y'all will lose your Snapstreak.