I’m a college student who has chosen not to drink.
I know, what could I possibly be thinking? I must be crazy or at least a little bit self-loathing. I mean, what other reason could I possibly have for denying myself the company of a loyal friend by the name of Jack Daniels? Or the adventurous weekends catalyzed by a bit of giggle juice?
I can assure you, despite what you are probably thinking, I am not unhinged nor do I derive pleasure from some type of masochistic denial. I simply just do not have an interest in alcohol, and I do not think I ever will.
“But why, Megan? Why don’t you want to try it? It is just a normal part of the college experience. Live a little. Be adventurous.”
The truth of the matter is that not everyone goes to college with the intentions of experimenting with drugs, alcohol and sex.
I blame my childhood for this one. My life is one that has been saturated with booze, in the worst possible way, for as long as I can remember, and I am not talking about watching my parents have a glass of wine or a beer in the evenings. Oh no, if that were the case I may actually consider putting the stuff to my lips.
In my case, however, I am better safe than sorry.
Now let me make a few things clear.
Just because I have chosen to hop on the train of sobriety for the long haul, I have no issues with college students who choose to drink, but I also do not want to play babysitter.
I am all for hearing about other people’s nights out, but I will say no each and every time when I know there will be booze in the mix. I would much rather spend time doing anything else (yes, even homework) than parading around with a group of people who have indulged a little too much.
That being said, I also don’t spend all of my time hulled up in my bedroom binge-watching Netflix. (Okay, maybe some weekends I do, but I think we are all guilty of that, right)? Instead, I have been able to find people who accept and often share, my mindset. It has given me a great group of people to have fun with in other ways, and we really do have fun.
So, drink or don’t drink in college. It is a personal choice that everyone should make for themselves. If it is not your scene or if it something you would rather leave for the occasional weekend, that is okay! On the flip side if you find that it is your favorite way to unwind at the end of the week then have at it.
The most important thing is that people respect other people's choices, and ensure that no matter which course they choose, they are being safe, healthy, and happy.