As we all know Wisconsin is known as a drinking with quotes like, "Out drinking your state since 1848" and "Drink Wisconsinbly."
However out of the top ten heaviest drinking cities in the US we claim seven of the spots with cities such as Appleton, Oshkosh, Madison and Green Bay,
The drinking facts don't stop there though. We're one of the worst, if not the worst, state for drunk driving.
From the years 2003 through 2012 there were 2,577 deaths caused by drunk driving in Wisconsin.
In the year 2015 alone there 24,000 reports for drunk driving, 190 people killed in drunk driving related accidents, and 2,900 injured.
Every one in three fatal accidents involve a drunk driver.
Nationally 1.9% of people report to driving after drinking too much but in Wisconsin that percentage increases to 3.1%
Although the numbers have decreased over the years, these numbers are still way too high.
We as a state should take the steps to decrease those numbers, hopefully one day to zero.
We should be stricter on our drunk driving arrests by treating first time drunk driving offenses as crimes and not as something that just gets a ticket.
If their BAC is higher than 0.08 and they have been pulled over several times their license should be taken away and when it is returned they are required to use an ignition interlock.
As individuals we can take the proper steps to avoid these accidents.
If we feel buzzed we shouldn't drive. Always have a designated driver, call a taxi, or use Lyft or Uber services.
Know your limits or have a friend tell you when you have had enough.
If you're at a party, stay the night instead of driving home.
These small steps can help decrease this major problem.