When you are drowning in overwhelm and the waves of anxiety are high, how do you continue to swim? How do you continue to live?
The truth is that the strongest thing you can do is keep moving. You are not alone. God is within you. In your weakness, He is being made strong (2 Corinthians 12:9-11). When you rely on his strength and His strength only, your life will find its way to the surface, and beyond that, you will be able to breathe in life.
When you take your first gasp, focus on your breathing; during your second breath, focus on your gratitude; and on your next breathe, focus on your strength.
As you are breathing in this moment, focus on your bravery that you are using to move throughout your day. Focus on the areas of your life that are allowing you to live at all. You are alive, and that is incredible.
Using your mind, transform the waves of overwhelm into currents of peace. When you begin suffocating, pause, and take in a deep breathe.
Breathe in: The bills will get paid, God provides.
Breathe in: Your groceries will make it to your cupboards, God provides.
Breathe in: Your family will still love you at your weakest, God provides.
Breathe in: Your friends are cheering you on and begging you to keep on moving, God provides.
All is well, and suddenly the waves die down, little by little.
Don’t expect them to die down immediately, because that may or may not cause more anxiety. Just breathe, and with each breath, feel the waves shrink a little more each time.
Remember what it feels like to live on the surface of the waves; peaceful, calm, and full of serenity. Bring yourself back to that place with your breathing.
Make a plan. What survival plan do you have for when you begin drowning?
Do you pray? Do you call your mom? Do you journal? Do you listen to soothing music? Do you watch a feel-good movie? Do you read a good book? Do you sleep?
How do you bring yourself back to the surface?
Now that you have your first and second step, (breathing and then doing whatever you choose), develop your third step. Live in the present.
Allow yourself to not only live on the surface of the waves but surf on them.
Use the currents to your benefit instead of allowing them to be your worst enemy. Know that there will be tough times, but with each wave comes an exhilarating amount of spiritual growth, emotional growth, and personal development.
Transform your waves of overwhelm into currents of peace by breathing, praying, and leaning on God’s strength. Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, through prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
He hears your cry, and He sees you when you are hurting, so let Him help you. For him to help you, you need to slow down, you need to breathe, and you need to surf the waves with a strong sense of faith not fury.
Surf in serenity instead of drowning in anxiety. Allow God to provide for you. You can do it.