" Writer's block" is one of the most common expressions for anyone who can't think of words to write that typically writes. Basically, when you're stuck staring at an empty Word document or piece of paper with absolutely no idea what to say.
This exact same concept can be directly correlated to our entire life in general. Bold statement?
If you think about it, when someone has writer's block they aren't being natural and just letting words flow on paper. They are overthinking whatever they have on their mind to write about, or blatantly not putting any effort in at all. Either way, these both corrupt what is supposed to be happening: writing.
So, take this into everyday life. When you're genuinely living with half an effort because you have a weird front put up for some reason. Whether it's due to a bad past experience or a traumatic event, it's so important that we drop this block that's causing us not to live our lives fully. Because this corrupts what is supposed to be happening: living.
It's up to you to examine what exactly it is that is your own personal "life block." What is the thing that's keeping you from fully inserting yourself to each moment that you live in your life? What is that one thing that's constantly on your mind holding you back?
Whatever it is, I would strongly advise to either fix it or get rid of it. When you're older looking back on your lifespan reminiscing, how upsetting would it be to realize you let moments that could have potentially been some of the best you've ever had slip away due to something holding you back.
The largest life block at times may even be something that doesn't even exist anymore. A past relationship still floating in your head, mourning over a previous experience, a certain gloominess about life not being interesting are all examples I can think of off the top of my head. There's no simple solution I can give to any of these except it is key to communicate and work through these in your head to be able to live fully.
When you have these life blocks, a part of you isn't mentally there with wherever your body is physically. Your mind is in a completely different world than the people surrounding you at any given moment. At times, your mind may be in a situation that isn't real. And it will continue to stay this way until you get to the root of the issue without being in denial about anything. Accept it, work on it and move on. The sooner you do this, the more you'll enjoy each moment of your life.
Nobody wants to be walking around being half absorbed in each moment. It's not living, it's making a conscious choice to be almost half dead inside. This is why getting to the exact thing which you know is blocking you from living a life where your present every day is so crucial. Because to you, your life won't seem to be passing you by everyday, but time stops for no one. Get to the root of your life block and fix it before too much time passes you by.