We may forget to do certain things or we may do extra things we shouldn't be doing.
Turn Signals
These are used to indicate your upcoming turn. Use them or you will make the driver behind angry.
Put your phone down.
You'll start driving slow and swerving because you are distracted. Risking your own and other lives. People will drive beside you and get mad because you are not paying attention and obstructing their good driving experience.
Don't put on mascara while driving
I understand you may be running late, it takes talent to drive and put mascara on. You're risking other peoples lives because you aren't paying full attention to driving.
Your burger can wait..
I have done it too. You are super hungry and on your way to somewhere. Stop driving and eat it, or wait until you arrive to your destination. Someone will drive beside you and laugh at you as you stuff that burger in your face.
Your Snapchat can wait...
Watching someone take a selfie while at a red light looks pretty funny.
These are just some things I have seen in the last couple of weeks with other drivers on the road. To each their own, but you might look a little silly.