Driving. It's one of the most loved and hated activities of all time. Almost everyone has a love-hate relationship with it. However, I am one of the odd balls. I love to drive. But there are consequences and standards surrounding it that most people are unaware of. Some of these may seem obvious, but again, some people lack common sense.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/warriors-illinois-madarin-Ja... GIPHY
1. Please at least drive the speed limit
On many roads, quite a few people do not even drive the speed limit; they go below it. For one, it's frustrating for the people around you, and two, you're a hazard. Frankly, no one from Illinois has the tolerance for that. We do not care if you're lost, or arguing with your children in the back seat. If there is an issue, do everyone else on the road a solid, and pull over until you are ready to get back on the road. With that being said, please don't drive like you're from "Fast & Furious" either.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/aEhH41Ifbsx8s">via GIPHY
2. Please tint your windows
I have to admit, I am one of those people who are dancing obnoxiously, sings passionately, and takes selfies for snapchat while driving (I am not endorsing snapping while driving by the way). But, please if you are an avid nose picker, gross eater, or hoarder, tint your windows. ESPECIALLY all of you who dig for gold in traffic. It may just be me but I will make fun of you. Not to be mean, but for my own personal entertainment.
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/funny-dancing-jkitwi0EyGO9W"... GIPHY
3. Use your turnie.
Yes, I said turnie people. For those who cannot connect two and two together, I mean use your turn signal. It is one thing if no one is on the road with you, or you are in a designated turn lane, but if you are in traffic, use it. It isn't there for your safety, It's there for the safety of others on the road. Not to mention you look like a jackwagon dodging through traffic, without using a signal and then you get pulled over (Funny how that works, right?).
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/cheezburger-fail-cars-SSyKgp... GIPHY
4. Use your eyes.
One, look for motorcycles. They're tiny and sometimes a nuisance, but you have to respect two wheels as much as you would respect four wheels. Two, look before you do ANYTHING. Before pulling out of a spot, look. Before you turn into a parking lot, look. Before you exit on or off a ramp, look. It is not that hard people!!!
via">http://giphy.com/gifs/season-8-the-simpsons-8x23-l... GIPHY
Frankly, I am tired of bad drivers and I am happy to say that despite my spontaneous driving dance parties, I am a good one. For future reference for everyone out there with a vehicle, those rules above, can help you survive driving in Illinois.