If you are a driver, then you have definitely experienced annoying drivers on your commute, no matter what time of the day. Whether you have road rage or not, everyone still gets irritated at other drivers. These are all the things that bug people while driving, whether you live in a small town or a big city.
1. People not using their blinker.
We've all been behind those people who don't use their blinker while turning. Or been at a stop sign and the person doesn't use their blinker to turn. Are we supposed to read your mind? It just causes accidents.
2. Slow drivers.
You always get behind slow drivers when you are in a hurry it seems, never when you are early. Jeez, the speed limit is 55 not 45!
This picture is deceiving — not all older women drive slow. Sometimes it can be a 30-year-old man. But, the point is the same.
3. Passing people and they decide to then speed up and race you.
Then you start to freak out and hope no cars are coming and decide whether not you should just floor it and pass the jerk or just hit the breaks and let them go.
I swear some people do it on purpose just to mess with you!
4. Yellow light anxiety.
Should I stay or should I go? After a few years of driving, you pretty much have it figured out. But, if you are like me, it still causes you stress. Lights in general stress me out sometimes, and I don't really know why. Probably because people have run red lights before around me.
5. Drivers in parking lots who don't see you behind them and start backing up.
Has this happened to other people? You honk your horn and back up before the idiot can hit you. No judgment if you yell some some choice words at them.
6. Roads full of potholes.
You have to weave all over the road just to miss the potholes and if you do hit one, it's not good for your car.
7. Constant road work.
Which then makes you late, so you have to leave early to get places on time.
8. When people bright light you at night.
To think I was nice enough to still dim mine — should have brightened them back.
9. Pull out in front of you then drive really slowly.
At least if I pull out in front of someone, I make sure I speed up fast and go the speed limit.
10. When the person in front of you rides their breaks.
Yeah, your great big VW bug might get away from you coasting down that small hill.
11. This situation.
We've all been the second and thirdcar in this situation.
12. This annoying situation as well.
I have to be at work soon people! You had a good three seconds before it changed.
13. You are starting to realize you have some road rage.
Some people are more diligent than others, so it's only expected that some people are better at driving than other people. Being a defensive driver who pays attention is the best way to drive!