Within my family, hard work is something that means a lot and comes a long way. My mother manages one of my family's businesses, my dad owns and manages two businesses, and my brother works for a French multinational electric utility company, known as Engie. I admire them for what they do each and every day and I hope that once I graduate I can work as hard as they do and make the necessary sacrifices.
Most people know my father, Fred Ritorto, as Car Finder Fred. As a young boy, my father admired cars, he even chased them up and down the streets. Over the past 25 years, he worked in his first business of Dry Cleaning and Professional Tailor services, and a few years later continued his business interests in car sales. He worked with his longtime friend, Frank, and built his clients and connections. To this day, Frank is my father's closest friend.
About three years ago on Rt 206 in Hillsborough, NJ, my father constructed his own showroom. He sells cars of pretty much every make and model taken from an automobile auction called Manheim. Residents of Hillsborough were so impressed by my father's new showroom and continued to buy cars from him as well as spread the word to their friends and families. My father is full-disclosure, 100 percent honest with that he does and actually shows his customers what he buys each vehicle for. This is a unique experience for each customer as they are not dealing with a dealership, instead; they are able to converse with the most honest man to exist in the field of car sales.
Having a dad who sells cars for a living is a great perk for my family. We can choose any car we want! I proudly own a 2014 Red Toyota RAV4 and it is the car of my dreams. It puts a smile to my face when I hear of customers coming from an hour, two hours, a state away to buy a car from my dad. The reputation that he has established over the years is just incredible and that is the main reason as to why he is successful. Having that trust with people and treating them fairly, leads to happiness and them making referrals and coming back. Luckily, this summer I have worked with my father and have learned how he operates and how he establishes his reputation. Every morning I walk into work with a smile on my face and proud to say that my father is Car Finder Fred, and that one day when he is ready to enjoy his retirement, my brother and I will manage and take over the business he has established and continue his legacy.
Thank you Dad "Car Finder Fred." https://www.facebook.com/carfinderfred206/
"Drive your dream."