How to Get Into Drinking Tea | The Odyssey Online
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How to Get Into Drinking Tea

Taking the time to relax.

How to Get Into Drinking Tea

1. Make sure you like tea.

If you're trying to get into drinking tea, make sure you actually like drinking tea. There's no point in going ahead with buying the more expensive of mixes and supplies if you don't like it.

2. Buy the right mug.

Drinking tea is one of the most relaxing activities one can repeat every day. There's no clearer way to feel so quickly at ease than to pick up the same mug that held what put you at ease a day earlier and all the days before it. Find a mug that feels right for you, and stick to it.

3. Get a tea strainer.

There's no need to invest right away in a large teapot, thanks to the portable one-cup strainers that you can find in any tea shop and some supermarkets.

4. Try every tea you can.

Visit a tea shop and sample the teas that they have available. When you find something you like or find interesting, buy a small amount of it. Start out with some form of black tea if you want a familiar taste. If you're looking for something more off-beat, oolong is a good choice.

5. Try mixing teas and switching it up.

Figure out if you like rock sugar or packet sugar, fruity blends or bitter blends, and strong brews or weak brews. Play around with different steep times and temperatures. There are actually specific temperatures at which each type of tea is best steeped, but it's up to you to decide what about each tea is best.

6. Tool up.

Invest in a small plug-in water heater, a tea pot with a strainer and some premium tea. Enjoy your tea with a bit of pound cake or another treat that complements your favorite mix perfectly. Then, just enjoy it.
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