Disclaimer: Neither Victory Brewing nor Odyssey promotes binge drinking in any way. We do, however, encourage the responsible consumption of our tasty brews with friends.
College - the time for too much drinking, crazy bar nights, and wild house parties. A time to drink as much cheap and disappointing alcohol as possible, and still call yourself "grown up." A time that is completely behind us.
We're more sophisticated now. We drink the good stuff - we know the difference between cheap and satisfying. Now we prefer a nice, small get together with friends (that may or may not inevitably turn into one of those wild house parties).
While times are different, some things will never change; we will always find creative ways to drink with our friends. To get your creative juices (and beers) flowing, here are a few drinking games that are more adult(ish) than beer pong and flip cup (but just as fun). So grab your best beers and your Taste Buds (a.k.a. the crew with which you brew) and enjoy.
1. Name: Thunderstruck
Number of Taste Buds needed: 3+
Alcohol of choice: Beer.
How to play:
- Get your group of buds and create a circle around a box of craft beer.
- Turn on "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC.
- When you hear the word "thunder" or "thunderstruck" the first person starts drinking. When you hear it again, the first person stops and the next person starts drinking.
- Repeat until the song is over.
Equipment needed for game:
- A box (or a few boxes) of your favorite craft beer (because we're adults, duh!)
- A speaker for the music
- All your closest buds
2. Name: Medusa
Number of Taste Buds needed: 2+
Alcohol of choice: More beer.
How to play:
- Everyone sits at a table with their beers.
- Everyone looks up and picks someone to stare at.
- If the person is staring back at you, then you both lose and have to drink your entire beer.
Equipment needed:
- Beer and buds
3. Name: Fingers
Number of Taste Buds needed: 3+ (more is better here)
Alcohol of choice: All of the beer.
How to play:
- All players touch one index finger to the glass.
- Each player will take a turn counting to three. On three, two things should happen:
- All players should keep or remove their finger from the glass.
- The player counting to three will guess the number of fingers left touching the glass.
- A correct guess eliminates the player from the game and ensures they will not have to drink the cup.
- An incorrect guess just means the player will continue playing the game until their next turn.
- Rotate turns in a counter-clockwise direction.
- Last person standing drinks the entire beer.
Equipment needed:
- A full cup of beer
- Your best buds (preferably those with fingers)
4. Name: Bite the bag
Number of Taste Buds needed: As many as you want, but the more the merrier
Alcohol of choice: Lots and lots of beer.
How to play:
- Set a paper bag on the floor.
- Each person takes a turn trying to bite the bag in an attempt to pick up the bag.
- The only thing allowed to touch the ground is your feet and the only thing allowed to touch the paper bag is your mouth.
- If you cannot bite the bag then you drink.
- All the beer is gone (why is the beer gone?).
- Paper bag
- Beer
- Your best buds
5. Name: Drunk Jenga
Number of Taste Buds needed: The more the merrier
Alcohol of choice for this game: If you still have beer, drink beer.
How to play:
- Set up the Jenga set that has tasks written on each piece (this can be made or bought).
- During each turn, each person pulls a piece out and has to do the task that is on that piece. This can range from "chugging your beer" to being the barmaid for the next how many turns.
- Repeat until someone destroys the tower (or all the beer).
- A Jenga game with tasks on the pieces
- Beer
If all else fails, a guaranteed way to class up any drinking activity is by upping your beer game. A great place to start is Victory Brewing. Their Golden Monkey and Sour Monkey beers are two quality brews that are as different from each other as they are perfectly paired together. Check out their beer finder, and add some class to your next "adult" drinking event.
Photo from Wavebreak Media Ltd via 123rf.com