Just because I do not go out and drink anymore does not make me lame, and it should not make anyone lame. You will always have the partiers and then you have the non-partiers, and it is okay to be either. I myself used to go out and party my freshman year of college, and after getting sexually assaulted my thoughts on partying have changed completely. In my opinion, there are so many better things to do than going out on Thursday nights to me.
For example, you could be doing your homework or getting ahead in your classes instead of waiting till the last minute to actually do that project that's due or that essay you've had for weeks. I know you're probably thinking "Wow what an overachiever," but there are plenty of other good things to do if you stay in instead of going out and doing things that could end up harming you in the long run.
You can finally catch up on that rest you have been needing for a long time and have not had a chance to get. You could hang with your friends who do not like to go out either and probably feel left out on Thursday nights because everyone else goes out and they have no one to hang out with. You could have a movie night with some friends or even just have a night of self-pampering to keep up your mental health. I never minded being the friend to call if you needed a ride home. I would go pick them up and get them because I think that if you choose to drink, you should be responsible and not drink and drive. You can have just as much fun during your college years staying in, rather than going out and partying every week.
LifestyleDec 18, 2018
Is Drinking Fun Or Faux?
Just because I do not go out and drink anymore does not make me lame, and it should not make anyone lame.
Photo by Michael Discenza on Unsplash