Drinking isn't a bad thing, people do it frequently. The only bad thing is how much of it one consumes in a serving. Men may drink about 5 drinks to consider binge drinking and women may drink about 4 drinks.Everyone knows the symptoms of alcohol, impaired coordination, slurred words, stumbling, and tremor. College is the time of your life, where you go away from your family and become independent for 15 weeks doing school work, but partying on the weekends. I would say in SUNY Oswego about 90% of the people on campus go out to party and have a good time. The other 10% decides to stay in their dorms and play video games, socially interacting with their friends sober. Some people go over the limit with drinking alcohol and say "Oh I am perfectly fine", but don't know that it takes 30 minutes to feel the effects of alcohol. Drinking more than 5 cups of vodka in less than 30 minutes will have about twice the effect than drinking one cup of vodka only in 30 mins. When people binge drink, certain actions done upon others can cause certain consequences and this can lead to one's death, such as driving under the influence which is frequent all over the U.S. Moderate drinking is good for one's body in that it can reduce the risk of heart disease developing and reduce the risk of type two diabetes occurring. In my whole entire life, I have never touched a drink and I will keep it that way because it doesn't assist my body with positive feedback and I can have a better time not being drunk or under the influence.
The whole moral of the story is drink responsibly and do not let anyone make you drink more than you can consume. You may be seen as weak, easily to play around with, and maybe even dead from alcohol poisoning. Many of my friends have had alcohol poisoning and the sight is disturbing to see. It makes people look less responsible, less aware of their surroundings that those acts are happening in that environment and makes others think less of you. Alcohol can cause psychological harm and physical harm that can impact relationships in ways that others would it view to happen. I wouldn't disagree with not consuming alcohol, but just think about the consumption you will be consuming before ever picking up that first glass of wine or vodka. Some people party the week of their finals week, which is not a problem if you don't have any finals which are not very possible. People must understand school first, social connection second, and partying last, balance each category out and drink responsibly, you'll be completely fine.