What's one thing that we think of as limitless? What's one resource that we are told is natural? Water. Water to a developed country has no limit and no bounds. Water to a developed country is only scarce in times of drought, but even then we probably have plenty. Water to a developed country is like the air we breathe - available at no cost. However, water to a villager in Rwanda is a 4 mile walk to the river everyday. Water is in whatever form you can get your hands on. Water is scarce, dirty, but a necessity no matter what.
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Around the world, some people can't walk to their kitchen, flip a switch, and fill up a cup with clean, drinkable water anytime they want. Some people can't drive to the store and buy plastic bottles filled with purified water. Some people have nothing to quench their thirst. The Water Crisis refers to the 663 million people in the world who lack access to clean, safe, drinkable water. This equates to 1 in 11 people on the planet without water. Imagine two times the entire US population waking up tomorrow morning without water - that's how many people are affected by this crisis!
The goal of the 10 Days is to eventually end the water crisis - to see a day when no one thirsts for such an accessible resource. Even more importantly, the teams who go and build wells in Rwanda preach about the Living Water, the gospel and the life of Jesus Christ. Last year, the funds raised with the 10 Days impacted 248 families and brought 643 people to accept Jesus Christ as their savior - what JOY !! This year, the 10 Days has already raised over $55,000, but we can't - and we won't - stop here. You can be a part of the ministry and help fix what is broken right from your home. You can make a difference in someones life without even leaving your house. You can make missionary work happen without leaving your comfort.
The 10 Days (from November 7-16) is a time when we pledge to give up all beverages except for water. We skip the coffee, tea, soda, alcohol, juice, whatever it may be - in order to save that money for ten days. We then donate that money to the 10 Days and fund one of Living Water International's water projects in Rwanda, Africa. While the 10 Days is almost over, the chance to still help fund the program is fully available!
To make a donation to the 10 Days, simply go to http://www.10days.cc and click 'Donate.' Every year, more than 840,000 people die from water related diseases. YOU could make a difference today by joining the 10 Days campaign. YOU can make the Kingdom of God known. YOU can be a part of something far, far bigger than yourself starting now.