Dr Pepper is the best soda. Period. It is a refreshing melody of deliriousness in your mouth. It has no comparison and no rival in the soda world. It is the alpha soda, The king of sodas. Just the best.
Read on for 12 reasons you should drink Dr. Pepper daily as if you needed a reason to grace your mouth with the refreshing goodness that is Dr. Pepper.
3. It can be served hot or cold.
I have only had Dr. Pepper cold, but I am really thinking about trying it warm this winter.
4. Their marketing is on point.
"I'm a Pepper, He's a Pepper, We're a Pepper.", "Be a Pepper.", "Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too?"
"Out of the Ordinary. Like You."
Google Dr. Pepper slogans and commercials for more of these gems.
7. It was introduced nationally at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition.
It's a super 'murica drink.
10. It is better than drugs.
If you're going to be addicted to something, it might as well be Dr. Pepper and not a drug.
12. It sounds healthy.
While Dr. Pepper isn't the healthiest drink, the Dr. and Pepper combination make it sound like it is.
Now go get some Dr. Pepper!