We all have somebody in our lives that we once felt like we couldn’t live our lives without. We spend every minute of every day talking and catching them up on the eight hours they had missed while we were sleeping the night before. We also all have that person that we used to be like this with but over time, you two have drifted apart. There are some things every girl that has drifted apart from her best friend wants the other to know. This is what I want my best friend to know.
Dear Best Friend,
Is it ok I still call you that? I know we have drifted apart recently, and it has been very hard for me. It’s not that I haven’t wanted out reach out and see how everything was going. It’s just that I didn’t know how to go about it now. I know it has been awhile since we have talked last, but there were a few things I wanted to make sure you knew.
You were my first close friend at school. We have done a lot of our growing and changing together and maybe that is one of the causes for this shift in our relationship. But either way, you have made a huge impression on my life. We were the perfect dynamic duo to balance each other out. When the misunderstandings started to happen, I felt like this was coming. We were in different friend groups and I knew we would retreat to our other support systems because that is where we both felt most safe. I wish we could have just talked everything out when it was happening because now we don’t talk at all. Us not talking has taken its toll. Even though it isn’t for one specific reason, it still hurts to not wake up in the morning with a million texts from you, ugly Snapchats and being tagged in cute animal videos on Facebook.
I miss you. I miss making memories together. I miss our adventures. But most of all, I miss being able to confide in you. You know everything about me and so not updating you on the newest juiciest gossip in my life is hard. You are the first person I think of texting when something happens. You’ve been there for everything from the day I accepted my bid to my sorority to comforting me while I was debating on whether or not to come back to school. You’ve been there for it all. I know if I were to ask you for help or needed to talk you, you would still be there for me. And I am the same way when it comes to you. If you ever need anything, I would never turn you away or judge you for anything. It is just something I haven’t fully felt comfortable with. I know we need to talk though if I want things to go back to the way they were
No matter how much time goes between us talking, you will always be considered my best friend. We have gotten comfortable with doing things the way we have been, but we should change that. I miss you and need my best friend back. We are both trying to get through these crazy college years, and I know I could use my best friend by my side if you were up for it. I need my biggest supporter back to laugh with and to continue to make memories with; To go on Dutch Brothers runs to weekend trips together and everything in between. I miss you and hope we can get back to the way things used to be very soon.
With love,