I developed very early in my life.
I was 11 years old, 5'3" and going through my awkward stage. That being said, things obviously didn't fit me the way they'd fit my shorter, less developed peers but I still tried to wear them to fit in.
The first time I was reprimanded for how I dressed was in middle school. It was September and I recently sprained my ankle and was on crutches. I decided to wear the same shorts all my friends had recently bought from American Eagle and a cute top. As I hopped past the main office, the dean came out of her office and said "Oh your shorts are way too short, go back to the office and call your mom to come bring you a change." I looked at her for a minute like she had to be kidding, but she was not. On my hobble back to the office, I passed 3 girls wearing the same exact shorts I had on, none of which were told their shorts were too short. Even my mother told me when she came to drop off my shorts, she noticed a bunch of girls wearing the same shorts I was told were too short. So tell me how this 'dress code' could ever be seen as fair when people that looked like me were always given a harder time than my smaller peers?
In 8th grade, I decided to stop wearing shorts all together to just eliminate the problem but yet it STILL continued to happen. I was stopped by a male assistant principal and told "The next time I wear a black shirt, I should really match my bra straps to the shirt" as if it was really offending anyone. The worst however, was by far my former 7th grade Spanish teacher who would pull me to the side every single day and ask me "How could you leave the house like that?" or "Why did no one tell you to change yet?" mind you, I was wearing bell bottom stretch pants and a tank top which I guess was just SO offensive compared to all the little girls in shorts and tank tops. So I decided to take a stand.
After probably two weeks of her commenting every day on something I was wearing, I couldn't stand it anymore. When she pulled me to the side this time, I said "Listen, I know what you're going to say, but:
1. You’re not my teacher anymore.
2. No one has said anything to me all day and it’s the second to last period of the day.
3. My mom saw me leave the house so if you have a problem with what I'm wearing, feel free to take it up with her" and handed her a sheet of paper with her number on it. 14-year old me was so proud that I finally stood up for myself and guess what? She never commented again on what I was wearing.
Still, the insecurity I felt everyday walking into that building knowing some teacher was going to make a rude comment on something I was wearing, no matter what it was, was horrible. I hated getting dressed in the morning and having to debate for an hour where my outfit would be picked apart for that day, while other smaller people wearing the same thing would have no problem. No one should have to feel the way that I felt every day. Dress codes are in place to deem people as dressing 'appropriately' or not which is understandable, but they should be across the board. The fact that I got reprimanded day after day specifically because of how an article of clothing fit me as opposed to what the article was is absolutely not fair and really has to change.
Even as a 20-year old young woman working in the school system, it still happens. Just a few days ago, it was 90 degrees outside. My best friend and I decided to wear shorts to work. We're not talking short shorts here, more like, longer, modest shorts. Within the first few hours of the day, I was told by random other teacher aides my shorts are "too short" and that I "shouldn't be wearing short shorts" whereas my best friend, wearing the same kind of shorts didn't get any comments from anyone on what she was wearing. The difference? I'm 5'6" and athletically built. She's 4'11" and a twig.
Schools should really try and start a dress code system that doesn't discriminate against girls with different body types. If they don't want you to wear shorts, then no one should wear shorts. The insecurity teenage girls face even without a dress code, can affect their entire lives. Being fair in a school system will just eliminate one of the body insecurities young girls face today.