In today's society we already deal with so much crap, so why not add in some more unnecessary nonsense.
Dress codes are dreaded by many and "violated" by few. Those few being mostly girls, but with everything going on with women's rights are we even surprised that "violation" numbers are mainly girls.
No, I'm not saying dress codes are not important and shouldn't be followed. I'm just saying maybe we shouldn't target them so harshly at girls. It's embarrassing and forces us to miss a crucial learning time.
I'm sorry that your son can't control himself at the sight of a girls shoulder, but that isn't her fault. Those enforcing dress codes are sexualizing girls even starting at a young age and I think it's sick.
Should girls respect themselves? Yes. Should we dress in a way that is respectable? Sure. However, I shouldn't be apprehended, because my skirt is an inch too short and Andrew ( sorry if your name is Andrew) over there can't focus on his math test. That's HIS problem. If he can't control himself enough to ignore it and respect a girls body than that is a much bigger problem than my lack of an inch of clothing.
Here are a few stories of dress code "violations" that I think are ridiculous:
"When I was in 8th grade my school Vice Principal stood in the hall and was stopping girls and making them call their parents to bring them clothes and I ended up having to get my mom to drive all the way to my school just to bring me some jeans so I could go to class"
"One time when I was in 8th grade I had on these orange shorts that I had worn countless times. We had a young male teacher who had just started teaching and he told me that they were too short and that I needed to change them. I said I have worn these so many times before and no one has ever said anything to me about them and he was like well they're too short I've been looking at them and I can tell you they are.
I measured them and they were 5.5 inches and the rule was 6 and he tried to keep going on and on about it and I finally asked him (as an 8th grader and being a spitfire lol) why were you even staring at my legs like that? Normally women teachers address when girls have violations and you're making a big deal out do nothing. It kind of creeps me out. He didn't say anything after that."
"Told I couldn't wear a dress to a beauty pageant because the shorts UNDER the skirt part were "too short."