So we all know that crap that we're fed that we can do anything and that if you put your mind to it that it can come true yadda yadda yadda? I'm forced to believe that that is completely false and that if you dream of doing something people are going to reach the furthest lengths to stop you in your tracks or give you the hardest time while you try and go for that. Even while you do go for those dreams, remember the people who told you that phrase because depending on your dream and all the $$$ you'll make doing it, your dream will be squandered by those same people. A sad but true statement in a lot of cases. As a child, we aren't exactly fully aware of such mutiny by those who seem to believe in us, and I had fairly big dreams. I'm specifically talking occupational dreams and that age old question of "what do you want to be when you grow up? My dream was composited of three smaller dream jobs to create one big routine of work. What were those dream jobs you might be wondering? Here are some hints to figure them out before reading on:
1. I'll allow it this one time, but racially profile me and pick a sport I'd play for professionally.
2. I grew up in Vegas and this job is all throughout the city.
3. I thought I was funny when I was younger. A job for people who think they're comical.
If you had guessed a basketball player than you're absolutely correct, but you leave me slightly offended internally, but I asked for it so I suppose it's ok. What a shocker that little me wanted to become a basketball player. It made sense all those years ago, as I did play in little league, and also played as an All-Star in a tournament in Los Angeles and that was a great time. As I grew older I got tired of getting yelled at for just wanting to play the game. I don't play it often anymore and I don't really care to.
The second one was a little out there for a youngster (I'm talking elementary) to be having dreams about, but I wanted to be a stripper. Why is that? Well.. I'm not quite sure. I'm older now and I honestly travel around without any undergarments more often than I should, and I sleep in my birthday suit and stay that way until I absolutely must get dressed or am cold. Maybe I knew how much they made? Either way, I wanted to be a stripper back then and I honestly wouldn't mind doing that. It has potential in giving me the inspiration to exercise.
My last dream job was to be a comedian. I love to make people laugh and it's been something I can assume I've been good at for ages. Being able to make people smile and make someone's day with just a simple joke or maybe even a small action on my part that makes them giggle for just a moment, that's awesome. I don't mind being known as "that one black kid" as long as it's followed by me being freaking hilarious or something similar.
All three jobs were combined into one week and I had even given my mother a schedule, but sadly I can't remember which days I would do what for each job. Would I still like to do any of these jobs now? The 2nd and 3rd would probably be my best bet with being a stripper as a final resort type of gig. Where am I know with any of those three? Nowhere at the moment, but hey... gotta follow your dreams sometime right?