I was having a conversation the other day that involved things being said about how in such a small town there are only so many good jobs, you won't find a job that doesn't piss you off, work is work, and it's just life.
If you expand your beliefs about what is available to you in ALL areas of your life, things will actually happen for you.
If you have a negative mindset thinking you can't do anything better with your life, then that's exactly how it will be.
If you believe you can't or won't ever find a better job... You're gunna be stuck exactly where you are.
If you don't believe in things that are you biggest dreams, they will NEVER HAPPEN!!!!
If you truly know what you want out of life and you continue on your journey, NO MATTER how hard it gets, things will turn out the way you want them too. There will always be bumps in the road, but that's life. Positivity is everything.
If you have have the willpower and drive to make your life what you want it to be..and it can and will happen.
Don't fall into the ideas that 'this is the best it gets,' blah, blah, bull-crap.
If you know what you want... make it happen.
You just have to believe in yourself, and too many people don't anymore...