Too often our dreams become isolated fixations on our future that destroy our ability to be present for our lives right now. Our dreams of a better life for some future humanity or some other humanity in another country alienate us from the beautiful human beings sitting beside you, across from you, or walking by you. They say that it is just the price of progress. You can go chase your dreams or you can have stability in your life. And we can't conceive of dreaming in both dimensions at the same time. And we don't set the bar higher than stability when it comes to our emotional life. Which is why our technology for talking to one another has gone up but our ability to listen and understand one another has gone nowhere.
But this idea,that our present and our future are mutually exclusive, that to fulfill our potential for doing, we have to surrender our profound potential for being, that the number of transistors on a circuit can be doubled and doubles. I have probably lost you with that analogy but what I'm trying to say is that our capacity for compassion,humanity, serenity, and love is somehow limited is a false and suffocating choice. Now I am not saying that simply the uninspiring idea of a more work-life balance by any means. I am talking about dreaming as boldly as possible, in the dimension of our being as we do about technology or medical. I'm talking about an audacious authenticity that allows us to cry with one another. A heroic humility that allows us to remove our masks and be real. It is our inability to be with one another, our fear of crying with one another, that gives rise to so many of the problems we are frantically trying to solve in the first place.
As it being almost 2017, it is the dimension of our being itself that cries out for its fair share of our imagination. Now we are all here to dream, but maybe if we're honest about it, each of us is chasing our dreams. You look up and contact people that can help you with dreams, and sometimes they look right through one another's humanity. " I can't be bothered with you right now." "I have an idea about saving the world." Right? Maybe it's "I want to stay sober" or " I want to travel the world". You know, instead of going up to the person everybody wants to meet, go up to the person who is all alone and ask if they want to grab a coffee with you or eat dinner with you.
I think what we fear the most is that we will be denied the opportunity to fulfill our true potential, that we are born the dream and we might die without ever having the chance. Imagine this, living in a world where we simply recognize that deep, existential fear in one another and love one another boldly because we know that to be human is to live with that fear. It's time for us to dream in multiple dimensions simultaneously and somewhere that transcends all of the wondrous things we can, will, and must do lies the domain of all the unbelievable things we could be. It's time we set foot into that dimension and come out about the fact that we have dreams there, too. If the moon could dream, I think that would be it's dream for us.