I know that since you were a kid you had the same dream in mind. You were so excited to get out of middle school, out of high school, and into college so you could begin studying exactly what interested you. You wanted to be on your path already, ready to become that fashion designer or doctor or music producer. You wish you were there already because you anticipate it so much you almost can't sit still.
Then you hit the real world, and suddenly everything is too real. Every single second you hit a roadblock. You take one step forward and then fifty backward. At this point, it seems like all you've done is fail at what you want so much it burns in your heart. You wonder if it's worth it, if you're even meant to be there, and what you're even supposed to do at this point. You are so unbelievably discouraged with the entirety of everything that has happened you just feel like giving up. Everything seems much farther than it originally was when you started.
To be honest, it feels like you started running in the completely wrong direction. Actually, you're just being pulled in the wrong direction while trying to run in the right one, and you're completely losing that battle.
Maybe it isn't even a career you're after. Maybe it's a simple goal, like finally getting your dream body or making a new friend group. Maybe you're just trying to improve your sense of style or how you communicate with others. Either way, what you're striving seems like it is completely impossible at this point.
As much as you want to, do not give up.
You are going to make it to your goal with how hard you are working towards it every second. You are going to achieve everything that you're hoping for. You're going to get better at talking to others, you'll get your dream body, you'll get into medical school. Your struggle might be unique to you, and it might be incredibly annoying to deal with the various roadblocks thrown your way, but each block is meant to make you better and stronger. It's meant to prepare you better for the future.
I know you are close to giving up. I know you're on the edge of what you want and what seems to be working. I know you're questioning your every move. I know you are trying your best, and it feels like it's all in vain. I know you are hurting and each failure feels like an added weight to your back. You're broken down, stressed out, and disappointed in yourself. Maybe you're even a little embarrassed because you know that failing isn't you, and you're not sure what to do at this point.
I pray you find the strength to continue on your journey. Unless the door is slammed shut, don't give up. There is always hope. There is a will and there is a way. Don't give up what you have set in your heart to accomplish. Each failure leads you a bit closer to victory, and imagine how sweet that victory will taste when you reach it. It's hard, it hurts, but it is going to be so unbelievably worth it. Plus, you could just be one step away from winning. You could be one step away from getting everything you've ever wanted and even more than you've ever dreamed of. If you give up and walk away now, you'll never know how close you really were.
It always seems like things get farther away with failures, but it seems that quite the opposite is true. Each failure brings you one step closer to succeeding. I wouldn't want you to miss out on the dreams of your life because you gave up, and I'm sure you wouldn't want that either. Just stand up, puff out your chest, and press on. Don't let things knock you down.
When you're feeling discouraged, talk about it. Surround yourself with people who encourage you and don't judge you, but try to help you be your best and will help you to reach the goals that you are continually striving for. The best thing you can do is get anything bothering you off your mind. Ask for help. Get advice. Be proactive. Study hard. Try harder. Be the best you can be every step of the way. If your confidence is up, the rest will fall into place. If you're confident that you will succeed, then you will succeed. Be patient and do what you can.
That's the best you can do, and I promise that all your hard work will pay off.
Your dreams are much, much closer than you think.