Dreams. A six-letter word with all the meaning in the world, by definition it means: “an aspiration; goal; aim”. However, when you say this word, it means a multitude of different things for different people. The best thing is to watch the way people’s eyes light up when they talk about their goals and what they are most passionate achieving. Dreams are a beautiful thing because it gives us all an ideal to constantly be working towards, and everyone possesses the power to make their dreams come true.
Dreams can be about any number of things. Dreams can be about family, they can be about success and career paths, they can be about making a difference in the world; the possibilities are endless. The thing about dreams in addition is that everyone has their own individual dreams.
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It’s important that we are constantly celebrating each other’s dreams. For all of those dreams to travel everywhere and immerse yourself in as much as the world you can, that’s amazing I hope you get to see as much of this world as possible. For all of those dreams to go on mission trips and volunteer, you should be so proud to hold a dream as inspiring as this one. For all those dreams to create a beautiful and loving family someday, know that there is no greater love than family and this is an amazing dream. For all of the career success driven dreams, be so proud of how hard you are working in order to conquer that goal. For all those dreams for people’s voice to be heard, artwork to be seen, and music to be played, it’s is nothing short of incredible to be so passionate about something. Appreciate everyone’s aspirations even if they are different than your own, clap for even the little success because them it was huge.
Some people are so set in stone of their dreams. From age six they knew that they wanted to be a Doctor. They knew they wanted to live in a big house someday filled with kids and a wonderful husband. Their whole lives they never strayed from that fantasy and that’s what kept them working hard, that was their muse.
Others may spend a little longer figuring out their dreams and that’s okay too because they know that their dreams will come true someday regardless of what they are as long as they keep working hard. There is something really special about the moment you realize something has become a dream of yours. It is like a fire has been lit inside you, you feel so inspired so motivated, you have all the happiness and excitement towards the steps you will take to conquer this dream.
I’m sure at one point or another we’ve all seen the most beautiful thing happen: a real life dream come true. Maybe was your own, maybe someone close to you, maybe even an absolute stranger but regardless I’m sure you stopped for a second and smiled.
Never give up on your dreams, no matter how big or small they are. You are the power behind these dreams, you are the one person that can make these come true. Never forget how beautiful the life you have planned for yourself will be, you all deserve each and every one of your dreams to come true.