It seems as though in today’s day and age, negativity is more common than positivity. People find it easier and more satisfying to be passive and cold to others, when in reality, it drains you to your core. I would know because in my life, I have been both. Truthfully, I think everyone has. There comes a time for most people when they are shaken awake, and they come to the realization that kindness is free, and life gets a lot better the second you decide you are going to try to be better.
Every day you wake up hopeful for a good day, but truly unsure of what the day may bring. Will today be the day you get that big break? Or will today be the day you get the opportunity you have been hoping for, for years? And then another day passes where it seems as though your situation is not changing, and you fall into the slump of bitterness, and waiting for your life, and all the things you have ever wanted, to start happening. While you are waiting, while you are letting the circumstances of your life make you bitter, you are also draining yourself of all the good energy you could be putting into doing everything you can, to be the best you can.
I have been both places. I have waited for things to happen in my life, and I have also taken every leap of faith in the right direction to go out there and make them happen. I can tell you for a fact that someone who sits back and waits for something bitterly, doesn’t really want what they say want, or they are just very afraid of getting everything they have ever wanted. I can tell you for a fact that risking everything, putting yourself out there for the opportunities that you have dreamt of, is worth every risk, and every reward.
Hard work, ambition, and faith. The three things you need to have to make sure that you don’t miss opportunities that were waiting in the wings for you the whole time that you dreamt of them. There will be setbacks, rejection, and many sleepless nights. There will be days why you wonder why you have put so much effort into a dream that no one can see but you. Then there will be days when you excel at what you love, and all the right people notice you, and life seems to be so easy, and all of those late nights and early mornings were worth it. All the times you had to shake off people who told you that what you dreamt of wasn’t original, or that someone like you could never make it will be memories that will make you laugh. There will come a day, if you are willing to work hard enough to get there, when people aren’t asking you why you are doing it all, but how are you doing it all? And all the days when you worried about if you were wasting your time will look like a perfect path of hard work and pipe dreams that brought you to a place better then you could have ever imagined.