I hardly ever remember my dreams, but when I do..holy cow are they crazy! Each of our dreams mean something, whether it be a minute message or a cry for help, it is always fun to analyze our subconscious brain. These a few of the most common metaphoric dreams people have and some of the most common interpretations of them. Next time you have one of these dreams, think about your own life and see if there are any connections!
1. Exams
Any college student can tell you that exam nightmares are real! When ever I am stressing over an exam by brain does this really funny thing where it makes me uncontrollably dream about trying to get to an exam but finding it completely impossible. As if I weren't already stressed enough! Dreaming about exams negatively most likely means you're stressed, perhaps unprepared and probably not feeling to confident.
2. Unable To Move
I used to always have these dreams where I was sitting in the middle of the road and a car was coming towards me. No matter how hard I tried I seemed to be unable to get out of the way in time. I was barely moving, like I was paralyzed! To dream that you can't move fast enough, or not at all means that you might feel powerless or anxious about something in your life. Whatever is going on is stressing you out and somehow making you feel immobilized.
3. Sex
Don't be shy, we've all been there...but more importantly, dreams about sex aren't usually about sex. Sex dreams more often symbolize a persons need to identify themselves, or their partner into their life more. However, at times, it can just be your brains way of releasing built up sexual tension - which is probably why it's more of a pre-teen thing! Pay attention though, sometimes your sex dreams represent wishes you didn't even know you had.
4. Being Chased
Ugh! These ones are not fun. As much as they feel horrible they may be a positive reaction. In dreams where you are being chased, it is believed that you are running from something in your real world, something or someone you don't want to face. These dreams are meant to encourage you to stop running and face your fear or conflict.
5. Death
For some, this is a nightmare, others..a gift, but dreaming of your own death is completely metaphoric of ending something else. These dreams reveal an internal wish to end a relationship, perhaps a future event, a job or just a huge mistake your brain knows you are about to make. Your brain wants to start fresh when you wake up, and move away from the dead, old life.
6. Cheating
You may dream of your partner cheating, or if you are me, you are the cheater. If you are the victim, it simply means that you aren't getting enough attention from your other half. Now if you are the cheater, that can mean a couple of things, but more commonly, it would mean that you feel guilty of giving something in your life more attention than your boo. Either way, don't take it too seriously.
7. Falling
These dreams suck! They typically are a big red flag from you brain. Typically this dream will occur during a life problem, saying that your reaction or your direction is totally wrong! This may often be your subconscious telling you that depression is forming.
8. Friends
Your friends actions and personalities reflect a lot in your dreams. Typically we confide in our friends and they confide in us, making us close. Often the personalities that shine through your friends in your dreams and the aspects of your life that you wish to work on more. Maybe if your friend is cleaning her room a lot in a dream, you want to clean your flat more often! Either way, your brain is sending you messages in a face that you trust.