Admit it. We all have a dream house. That perfect little (or not-so-little) dwelling that fits your personality and your aspirations to a T. You may have even stayed up late at night compiling a Pinterest board or two detailing exactly what you would like it to be.
So what does your dream house say about your personality?
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1. City flat with a view
Location, location, location. You dream of making it big in the city that never sleeps, staying up late, mingling with the colorful masses. The bustle of the city gets your heart pumping like nothing else, and you have an insatiable hunger for adventure. You are wildly independent and very social with a terminal case of FOMO and you have zero shame about that. After all, life is not something that should just pass by in a humdrum daze where nothing ever happens, amirite?
2. Two-story house in the suburbs
When you think of a place to live, you are not just thinking of yourself - no! You are planning for a modestly large family, 2.5 children, two cars and a golden retriever. For you, your future is inseparable from your desire for security and for a nice, happy life spent with the people you love. And you could never imagine raising kids in a city school (gasp)! You also probably have the interior planned out in a rustic modern design filled with muted earth tones straight from "Better Homes and Gardens." Congratulations! You are living the quintessential American Dream!
3. Cozy cabin in the woods
You are an adventurer at heart but also crave some blissful alone time. And I mean alone time. Like, if you hear a car pass by, you are too close to civilization. But who needs the constant noise pollution of the big city when you can fall asleep to the sound of rain on your metal roof and wake up to the chirping birds? You tend to value the little things in life and your eyes are tuned to the magic of life at all times. The warm lighting and the cozy wood tones are as welcoming and comforting as your personality.
4. Elegant house on the lake
You have a classic, eclectic style with a love of entertaining. The grand entryways, open floorplan and the high vaulted ceilings create a magnificent and airy space to host your whole family for a day of swimming, jet skiing, and tubing on the lake. You are a crisp, orderly, and friendly person, and you love to see your loved ones happy. There is also a good chance that you will be that hyper-organized mom who cuts their kids' PB&Js into cute shapes for a fun and balanced meal at school. Chances are everyone looks up to you now, anyway.
5. Rustic farm house
Your entire personality is built on a strong foundation of family and brute determination, and you are not afraid to get a little dirt under your fingernails. You are honest, welcoming, and fiercely humble, probably coming from the Bible Belt of America. Your family values and work ethic drive you to live as wonderfully as your parents did, and you probably want to pass that on to your four to six kids. You do not shy away from a challenge and value bravery and excitement, but you also love the comforts of home and the tranquility of the night sky on a cloudless summer evening.
6. Tiny house on wheels
You are a lone wolf, fiercely independent and insatiably curious about all aspects of life. You have a morbid fear of being tied down in one place where you can't explore and challenge your perceptions about life. You have always been a daydreamer, a wanderer and a free spirit. If you are being totally honest, you probably do not have room in your life for more than one person right now, but that is just fine! Just thinking about all the unexplored and unseen places in the world makes your blood pump faster and faster until you just have to go and explore again. You are a travel junkie and proud. Besides, ain't nobody got time for a colossal mortgage right now.
7. Colossal, glitzy mansion
When you dream, you dream big. When asked what your ideal anything is, your mind immediately jumps to the grandest of all things and just runs with it from there. You have wild aspirations of success, fame, and financial security, and you rarely screw around with the trivial things. You want to be able to walk into a fancy restaurant and not have to worry about reservations because they already know your name. You want to be able to pick which car you drive in the morning. You want an entire walk in closet room with a separate add-on for your shoes. Besides, if we are going with a dream house, you might as well not cut any corners, right? And hey, if you are lucky, your house could have its own zip code.
8. The adorably whimsical house
You are quirky to the extreme and have literally never fit the stereotypical mold in your life. You are the artsy type who sees everything in vivid detail. Your zest for life paired with your complete lack of shame has led you to become a wildly independent and mezmerizingly unique person. There is not a single inch of you that is bland and you always wear at least three different patterns in your clothes. You live your life on your terms and are not afraid to stand out, so you need a house that embodies that to the extreme. You try not to take life too seriously and spontenaity is your friend. And you may or may not have a partner - as long as they can keep up with you!
Regardless of your dream house and dream life, you are unique and wonderfully beautiful in your own right. My advice to you? Never stop dreaming until you make at least some of those crazy aspirations in your head a reality. You can do it!