Being in college has truly been an eye opener for me; student come from all over the world to create a campus community with a common goal, to graduate and make something of themselves. Many students enter with, and graduate with a rather impressive resume. Students have aspirations that I did not even knew existed until I engaged in conversation with them. At times, I feel like my little dream of becoming a television show host is nothing compared to students who want to be engineers, lawyers, and doctors. I have to remind myself that my dreams are just as dignified as theirs. For students who are undeclared, or unsure of their major, this is for.
Although, some may say it is counterproductive, this is the only thing that has kept my dream alive. I am a journalism and mass communications student aspiring to be on television one day. My field is competitive, and let's be real, how many black anchors are there? How many black anchors are there that a broad audience knows? I aspire to be a household name, and the only thing keeping that dream alive is through daydreaming. I imagine myself in the newsroom, interviewing people, or on the scene covering breaking news. Dreams do become reality because they start out as one idea and end as a wonderful product. What do you see yourself doing? Daydream about it as hard as you can until you can fully see everything around you as reality, down to wearing that lab coat, holding that microphone, or running that company.
Speak it into existence. Even if it sounds crazy or unrealistic, remember, someone once thought a phone and camera being put together was strange...they're embarrassed now. Do what it takes to make that dream reality. If it is occupational, do research, speak with someone in the field, get hands on experience, volunteer, or intern. If it is an invention, test it out, get feedback, and make it better. Ultimately, we are our biggest rivals and our biggest critiques. Always challenge yourself for better, commend yourself for what you have accomplished, and never get comfortable (someone is always watching).
Dream board
This. is. the. best. idea. since. sliced. bread. Dream boards are a crafty idea that really gets the gears rolling and put things into perspective. Get a piece of poster board, cut out some pictures and words from magazines (or google things and print them out) that describe and illistrate your dreams, and glue them to the poster board. Whenever you get a little derailed from the end goal, glance at the board as a gentle reminder. I have mine hanging up in my room as decoration and daily inspiration. Having a tangible representation of your goals makes them more of a self promise.
Again, I am just a college sophomore navigating life as I make mistakes and learn from them. Sometimes I get discouraged from my dreams but I have to remember who I AM (as you should remember who you are as well). We all have a purpose in this life, and our talents are used to tap into that purpose...only thing is, we must find (or work on) our talent.
Hopefully this helps anyone undecided on their next move, start the navigation process.
That's all for now!