Art. Yes art. There is all different types of art. Such as theatre, music, paintings, ceramics, sketches, and dance. And of course there is a bunch more. I am an artist myself, as you could probably already tell. I have been writing and drawing since I was a child. I became a part of the theatre scene when I got older, and I sang a lot, and I still do. Now you are probably looking at my drawing above and saying, “Jelly, how did your art style go to this? This is nice!”
Well, first, thank you. And second, it was a process. A very complicated process, that is still going on, but it is a process nonetheless. You see, my art was not always like this. Instead it evolved into this, and will most likely change some more. I used to draw in a hideous anime “chibi” style,where the proportions were just so bad, and I was so well, edgy with it. To be honest, I sometimes look at that art, and cringe, but then I remember what I draw now and then I go from cringing to nodding in approval.
Moving on, so, how did I get this far? Well,I am still in the beginning of my path as an artist, so of course, I am going to try to help as best as possible. (Disclaimer: I am not telling you how to draw, I am just telling you how my art became the way it was).
To begin, just draw anything you want. It can be people, or cacti or unicorns or tricycles. Whatever you want. Get it down on paper, or any sort of drawing surface. Nice job. Now, the most universal step is to just draw what you want. And of course, go for it. But sometimes people, who make money off of their art (like me, I actually sell my art, not online but in person, but if you are interested, I will leave my email below and my deviantArt portfolio), well, those people, have to study art and their style has to evolve.
‘ Listen to me, an art style is great and wonderful and all. But you have to learn the basics. You have to do figure drawings and do studies of different objects. Like sit down and draw what you see. Do studies of anything. Cats. Dogs. Only draw what you see for a while. Sure, you can use reference books, but do not just rely on those or else you might get stuck in a certain style.Carry around a sketchbook and just draw.
Next,look at different artists and their work that you enjoy. Yes, you can study the Renaissance masters, but if you do not want you, you do not have to.You can study whatever interests you. After all, you are the artist. Study different styles, copy what you like. But do not trace! It does not help at all. And be sure to use all these references for yourself, call them artist studies and say they are for learning not for profit or anything of that sort. Because that is rude to just claim something as your own that is not. Actually it is called plagiarism, and that is a bad bad bad bad thing. So don’t you dare do it, and if you do,leave me out of it.
Listen to new music. Read new books. Do something outside of your usual activities. Like I joined theatre (officially) and started listening to new alternative music.And well, my art changed. I started sketching new subjects and drawing different people and objects. Because my mind has expanded even more.Keep drawing. I did. And someday, your art will be what you dreamed it to be.For now, just go out there and draw, and be yourself.
PS: Take care of yourself. Give yourself a break if you get tired of drawing. Let your eyes rest, and hands and arms stretch. Take a walk if you need to. Nap if you need to. Rest. Eat food and drink plenty of water. A healthy artist is the best artist, no matter the style.
Email: (Put as the subject line: Jelly Commissions)