When friends leave for a semester to explore the world, the first thing you KNOW you should do is be happy for them. The first thing you WANT to do is cry because they have left you behind for an entire semester to fend for yourself. Day by day, you have reactions to adjusting to not having your best friend just a few feet away. So here's a few examples of how dramatic I get. And I know I am not alone.
When the abandonment day comes:
When you thought maybe just maybe they would not leave:
The adjustment within the first week of the semester:
When all the little things remind you of them:
Trying to get them to pay attention to you despite the time change:
When someone asks if you miss them:
The moment they post an instagram and it's your obligation to comment first:
When they start telling you about the new friends they have made:
Anddddd the moment of the reunion:
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