Drama. It's everywhere. Check social media. Check the classroom. Heck, even look in your family and you're sure to find something there. While some people enjoy hearing about it, no one likes being involved in a chain of he-said-she-said. Sure, it brings attention, and sure, it could be a good way to get revenge, but honestly, why would you want to get attention or revenge in the lowest, most tasteless form? Rumors and lies are bound to come back to the person that originally spread them. It could take a few hours, or it could take a few years, but eventually, rumors and karma come back to bite you in the butt.
Nasty drama, as opposed to petty drama, is even worse. Nasty drama can leave a lasting effect on someone. To destroy someone's chance at a relationship, or rip apart a friendship, or publicly embarrass a person in front of their peers can lead to serious damage. You may not think it at the time, but the words that you say will stay with that person forever, even if they don't hear it. Nasty drama and rumors can distort people's images of other people. It can make an innocent man into a guilty one. It can make a silent man into a killer. It can even make two best friends mortal enemies.
Nothing can turn back the clock. Once rumors about someone are spread, that's all other people can think of them. Sweet little Billy is no longer a hardworking student, he's someone that takes pictures of naked girls. Lovely Louise is no longer sweet as sugar, she's a girl who broke up five relationships. Like everything in the world, the negative stands out more, making a harmless laugh or a stupid prank into a label that someone will have to wear. Forever.
In my experience, drama has reduced me to simplest forms. I have been a liar and a manipulative bitch in people's minds. I have been seen as spreading rumors and insulting groups of people, to the point where those people could not stand me anymore. These experiences have left me so broken that in therapy sessions, the drama I have to endure is almost all that I talk about. I do not have the choice to be in it. If I could get out, I would. I would give anything to have drama disappear from my life, from everyone's life, forever.
Drama is not funny. It gives a lasting image on someone, on their self esteem, on their self worth. It's not okay to try and start drama to try and make your own life more exciting, when it can and will ruin the lives of others.