If Drake's "Views" Lyrics Were Motivational Posters | The Odyssey Online
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If Drake's "Views" Lyrics Were Motivational Posters

Sometimes Drake knows exactly what we need to hear.

If Drake's "Views" Lyrics Were Motivational Posters

Drake recently dropped his latest studio album, titled "Views." His songs make you feel emotions you didn't even know you had. The passion poured into his words prove just how poetic he can be... But there are some lyrics that just seem to stand out among the rest...

From "9":

Is this lyric filled with heart and emotion? Not exactly. But is it fun to say? Definitely. Maybe the keychain is a metaphor for something in Drake's life, something extremely meaningful that had a major impact on his career... Or maybe it's just a random lyric he threw into the mix because he's Drake and he can say literally anything and we'll love it.

From "Child's Play":

Because, let's face it, who hasn't preached about their love for The Cheesecake Factory? This lyric makes us feel bad for Drake, and become equally as angry at the girl who ruined his time at Cheesecake. Nobody ruins Drake's mid-priced meal and gets away with it!

From "Fire & Desire":

He follows this lyrics with, "Sometimes I'm so indecisive." Cue the basic girls crying out, "He just gets me!" Drake knows us all too well. From his emotional lyrics, to ones more like... er, this. At least these words extremely relatable, especially if you're in college... Then this is, like 90 percent of your life.

From "Pop Style":

The lyric that started a tweet storm and changed our pronunciation of "Channing Tatum" forever. Yes, we've all made fun of Drizzy for this weird lyric, but you have to admit, it's definitely memorable... And also pretty fun to sing, if you ask me.

From "U With Me":

In this lyric, Drake is referring to his relationship being mistreated by someone disloyal, meaning that Drake not only knows how to hit us in the feels, but also how to simultaneously make us hungry... That's a damn good talent, to be honest. Anyone up for some Mickey D's? Drake's buying!

From "Views":

A nice reminder from Drizzy himself. This is actually one of the lyrics that hits you right in the feels if you're listening to it at the right time; he puts the words into such a way, that even the 'Quotes' section of Pinterest would be jealous. (Also shoutout to all the basic girls out there who'll use this lyric to throw shade in a Instagram caption... Including me, probably.)

From "With You":

Taylor Swift's overplayed motto becomes Drake's lyrical advice... Who knew rap and pop could be so alike? At this point, it seems like we'll never escape the "haters," but, hey, if you can't beat 'em, you should sing about 'em... right?

Another From "With You":

Whether you're dealing with a fresh breakup, or you're just feeling down, Drake understands the pain, Drake knows the struggle, Drake gets you. Notice that he also masterfully rhymes 'emotions' with 'emotions,' just like 2 Chainz rhymes 'big booty' with 'big booty.'

Thank you Drake, for your unique lyrics and wacky dancing skills. The world just wouldn't be the same without you and your turtleneck sweater... Oh, and your heartfelt emotions.

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