What I Think About Drake's Latest Beef | The Odyssey Online
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What I Think About Drake's Latest Beef

Drake Vs Kid Cudi

What I Think About Drake's Latest Beef
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Drake is at it again. When I first heard about him firing back at a comment Kid Cudi made about him having ghost writers through a song called "Two Birds One Stone", I couldn't wait to listen to it. I can't lie, I sort of love when Drake beefs with other artists in the music industry, because he goes off in his music and it's pretty entertaining.

It turns out that some fans didn't appreciate what Drake had to say in his new song, and thought that he may have taken things a little too far this time.

Kid Cudi recently entered rehab and Drake's new rap seems to be shining light on a sore spot during a time when Kid Cudi is possibly at his lowest.

Here is what Drake may or may not have said to Kid Cudi:

"My numbers out of this world

No wonder they got me feeling so alienated

You were the man on the moon

Now you just go through your phases

Life of the angry and famous

Rap like I know I’m the greatest

Then give you the tropical flavors

Still never been on hiatus

You stay xanned and perked up

So when reality set in you don’t gotta face it"

(Lyrics from exposedlyrics.com)

Here's what I think. Drake is a big fish in a big pond while Kid Cudi is a small fish in a big pond. Kid Cudi wants to be a big fish and is struggling with depression and addiction. Kid Cudi blames his own perceived failure as well as Drake's perceived success on the rumor that Drake uses ghost writers. In a way, he's saying that the ghost writers are the only reason why Drake is so successful and without them he would have no career, because he has no talent or creativity of his own. Saying this makes Kid Cudi feel better about his own level of success, and it gives his ego a sense of reassurance. He tells himself that even though he's no big fish like Drake, at least he has enough talent to write his own raps.

When Drake hears about this, and because he is already tired of hearing this rumor, he pretty much calls Kid Cudi a miserable addict as a way of saying, "f*** off".

Honestly, I don't mind it. I don't think it's a step too far on Drake's part. I know some people won't agree with me. I'm sure people who have concluded that we shouldn't take jabs at the state of a person's mental health in any way, shape or form will be appalled by my point of view.

I think that Drake expressing his frustration is healthy. And I also think that Kid Cudi's comments are normal, considering addiction makes even the nicest of people say not so nice things.

As for what I think about the rumor that Drake depends on ghost writers in order to make hits? I don't think it's true. Unless he's been using ghost writers since the beginning of his music career, I don't think it's true. His flow and style still sounds the exact same as when he started. I'm sure that when you're a big fish in a big pond, it's important to collaborate with great writers to help in the music making process. Having multiple eyes and ears on a project is good. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, and I don't think this is the same as having someone make up the entirety of ones lyrical content. If Kid Cudi weren't a small fish in a big pond, he would have the same number of hands on deck as Drake may have not. This is why I don't think Drake's recent lyrics towards the rapper were uncalled for. I actually think Kid Cudi's comments about Drake were uncalled for. I mean, if you can't take a hit, why throw the first punch?

Have a listen to Drake's new song and leave a comment stating your own thoughts on the subject.

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