The holiday season is upon us. Christmas shopping started as soon as the turkey was digested. Starbucks red cups have already begun to haunt our dreams - and our wallets. Black Friday has come and gone yet again. But like the red-headed cousin in your family Turkey Day photo, Thanksgiving weekend seems a little misplaced.
For college students, Thanksgiving is not the beginning of the holiday season -- it's only a tease. We get five days of freedom only to have to return to campus for three days of class followed by final exams. Mixed into the final days of class and the endless studying, we look forward to letting loose on LDOC and spending any last moments with friends before we part ways for break.
With so much going on at once, the end of the semester can be overwhelming. But don't worry, if you're reading this, it's not too late - because Drake feels it too. If you plan on documenting the final two weeks -- whether it be the fun or the misery -- these lyrics will make great Instagram captions. And if you don't 'gram, at least you can read this and know Drake feels your pain.
1. “Started from the bottom, now we here.”
When you read the syllabus for that 400-level political science class in August, you didn't think you'd make it here, did you? But, look at you, walking out of class alive and well on this beautiful LDOC.
2. “My team good, we don’t really need a mascot.”
You start texting your friends to make plans for the night of LDOC. You're ready to celebrate. Everyone’s in -- and ready to get the night started. You couldn't have put together a better squad if you tried.
3. “Drinking every night because we drink to my accomplishments.”
You think back to all of your accomplishments.You remember that research paper you spent endless nights working on; the economics homework you conquered all by yourself; and that "A" you earned on your chemistry midterm. You decide you more than deserve a night out.
4. “Make the most out of tonight and worry ‘bout it all tomorrow.”
You make it to the party. Thoughts of final papers and exams are so far from your mind. You and your friends have both hands occupied with red cups. "Levels" by Nick Jonas is playing over the frat house speakers and you have assumed the role of "crazy, dancing girls." Wow. This is college.
5. “I live for the nights I can’t remember with the people I won’t forget.”
You and your squad roll up at Sup Dogs for late-night drunchies. You realized how much you're going to miss these people over break - when you're holed up in your childhood bedroom re-watching "Gilmore Girls" for the fifth time and pigging out on your mom's Christmas cookies.
6. “Sweatpants, hair tied, chillin’ with no makeup on.”
You wake up the morning after LDOC and reality hits. Exams start in less than 24 hours. You grumpily stumble to your closet and decide on your attire for the day. Spending eternity in the library calls for your trusty exam wardrobe of leggings, Nikes and your cozy grandma sweater. Thankfully, Drake thinks that's when you're the prettiest.
7. “If you think I’mma quit before I die, dream on.”
You hate that you have to start studying, but you’re motivated. Even if you have to listen to this lyric on repeat, you're not going to lose it. Write it on a sticky note. Write it on your mirror. Don't forget it. You've got this.
8. “Where you movin’? I said onto better things.”
You make it through your first exam. You feel a little defeated, but you haven’t lost hope. It’s behind you now and you’ll do better on the next one. Leave that lecture hall like you left that clingy boyfriend -- quickly and without ever looking back.
9. “I’m up right now and you suck right now.”
You spend the next few nights in the library. It’s 3 a.m. and you hate everything. You’d like to say a lot of things to your exam -- and your TA -- right about now.
10. “Know yourself, know your worth.”
You're scared to check your grades, so instead of checking, you decide you’re worth more than just a number. Employers and grad schools believe that too, right? No? Cue uncomfortable laughter.
11. “Just hold on, we’re going home.”
You study for your last exam knowing it's the only thing that stands between you and Winter Break. You swear you can smell a faint sent of pine -- reminding you of the Christmas tree your parents picked out last weekend. Wait, it might just be your roommate's new air freshener. But it's okay, you're so close to the finish line.
12. “You ain’t gotta die to get to heaven.”
You walk out of your last exam, pack your car and hit the road. As you drive away from campus, you realize the stress was worth it. You love this place -- even the times when you’re crying in the library at 2 a.m. You survived finals once again and, hey look, you're still alive.
Thanks, Drake, for understanding our love for college, but more importantly for understanding the stress of finals.