No matter how old you are, I truly believe everyone could use a little Dr. Seuss in their lives.
It doesn’t matter if you like green eggs and ham or not, sometimes quotes from Dr. Seuss is all you need to brighten your day just a little bit.
Here are just some of the quotes I think will brighten your day:
1. “Kid you’ll move mountains.”
You have the potential to do amazing things in your life and as long as you believe in yourself you won’t only climb mountains, but you’ll move them too.
2. “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
If people believe you need to change who you are to fit in with them, then they are people who don’t matter in your life. The people in your life who matter are the people who will love you for you.
3. “And will you succeed? Yes you will indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed).”
You will succeed at anything in your life that you set your mind too, so long as you never stop believing in yourself and working towards your goals you will succeed.
4. “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
Always, always, always care about the things or people in your life that matter to you. Nothing in your life is going to brighten if you stop caring. Never stop caring.
5. “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”
You should never feel like you need to be more like someone else. You are the only person in this world who is exactly you and that is a beautiful thing. You are amazing in your own way, and I hope you embrace every part of that.
6. “Just tell yourself, Duckie, you’re really quite lucky.”
Remind yourself everyday of the things you have going for you in your life. There is at least one thing for you to be grateful for each day and because of that, you are lucky.
7. “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.”
Sometimes we don’t realize we are in the middle of this absolutely incredible moment, until it turns into a memory. Cherish all your memories because while you may not be able to relive the moment, you’ll still be able to reminisce it.
8. “Today I shall behave, as if this is the day I will be remembered.”
Live everyday as if it will be the day your friends and family will talk about for ages. Act as if everyday is going to be the day you are making a difference, because everyday you are making a difference.
9. “A person’s a person, no matter how small.”
We are all people, we are all trying to figure out our lives and we should all accept others, no matter what.
10. “You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!”
Always believe in yourself, you are going places and today is a good day to have a good day.